2021-05-27 10:48 AM
Hi, Everybody!
Referring to this issue:
PatrickF suggested to manually configure U-BOOT for my board. I have downloaded tf-a sources patched it, of course installed and configured SDK and trying to do all according to it's README.HOW_TO.txt file.
As I have my specific DT I need to specify it in makefile parameters:
README.HOW_TO.txt has this example:
make -f $PWD/../Makefile.sdk TFA_DEVICETREE=stm32mp157c-ev1 TF_A_CONFIG=trusted ELF_DEBUG_ENABLE='1' all
But in fact TFA_DEVICETREE var-name should be TF_A_DEVICETREE. Is this correct?
Then, file format. We have .stm32, also .fip file format avaialble
I can compile both .stm32 tf-a and u-boot, but u-boot fail to start with following error:
NOTICE: Model: STMicroelectronics STM32MP157A-DK1 STM32CubeMX board
INFO: Reset reason (0x14):
INFO: Pad Reset from NRST
INFO: PMIC version = 0x21
INFO: FCONF: Reading TB_FW firmware configuration file from: 0x2ffe3000
INFO: FCONF: Reading firmware configuration information for: stm32mp_io
INFO: Instance 2
INFO: Boot used partition fsbl1
NOTICE: BL2: v2.4-r1.0(debug):
NOTICE: BL2: Built : 11:12:52, May 27 2021
INFO: BL2: Doing platform setup
INFO: RAM: DDR3-DDR3L 16bits 533000Khz
WARNING: Couldn't find property st,phy-cal in dtb
INFO: Memory size = 0x20000000 (512 MB)
INFO: phase ID :0, Manifestation 0 at c00001d9
INFO: phase ID :3, Manifestation 3 at c80e1fa2
ERROR: FIP Header check failed for phase 3
ERROR: usb_core_ctl_error : Send an ERROR
INFO: handle USB : Suspend int
INFO: USB Suspend mode
Then I'm trying to compile tf-a with fip option, but it fails with following error:
make -f ../Makefile.sdk TF_A_CONFIG=trusted TF_A_DEVICETREE=stm32mp157a-stm32mp151-dk1-mx fip
fiptool-stm32mp config:
bl32 config value: optee
bl32 config value: tfa
FIP_DEVICETREE: stm32mp157a-stm32mp151-dk1-mx
FIP_DEPLOYDIR_FIP : /home/screep/Distribution-Package/stm32mp1-openstlinux-5.10-dunfell-mp1-21-03-31/sources/arm-ostl-linux-gnueabi/FIP_artifacts//fip
FIP_DEPLOYDIR_TFA : /home/screep/Distribution-Package/stm32mp1-openstlinux-5.10-dunfell-mp1-21-03-31/sources/arm-ostl-linux-gnueabi/tf-a-stm32mp-2.4.r1-r0/tf-a-sources/../deploy/bl32
FIP_DEPLOYDIR_FWCONF: /home/screep/Distribution-Package/stm32mp1-openstlinux-5.10-dunfell-mp1-21-03-31/sources/arm-ostl-linux-gnueabi/tf-a-stm32mp-2.4.r1-r0/tf-a-sources/../deploy/fwconfig
FIP_DEPLOYDIR_OPTEE : /home/screep/Distribution-Package/stm32mp1-openstlinux-5.10-dunfell-mp1-21-03-31/sources/arm-ostl-linux-gnueabi/FIP_artifacts//optee
FIP_DEPLOYDIR_UBOOT : /home/screep/Distribution-Package/stm32mp1-openstlinux-5.10-dunfell-mp1-21-03-31/sources/arm-ostl-linux-gnueabi/FIP_artifacts//u-boot
Missing stm32mp157a-stm32mp151-dk1-mx-fw-config-optee.dtb file in folder: $FIP_DEPLOYDIR_FWCONF or '$FIP_DEPLOYDIR_ROOT/arm-trusted-firmware/fwconfig'
Why optee? I don;t need optee.
Can anybody help me with correct sequence compiling tf-a and u-boot starting from source download and finishing with success kernel load...
Thank you in advance
Looking forward for your reply
2021-06-03 9:19 AM
glad to see you have made big progress !
To keep this post useful to the community, best would be to stop on this long thread (maybe with a summary of your outcomes/solutions and one 'Select as Best').
Feel free to enter new questions for your open topics. This will also give a chance to other community members to answers (I think there was already some related questions)