2025-03-06 8:54 PM
Is there a tutorial for newbie? I made my custom board by myself as hobby.
the board has switches to select boot 0 and boot 1, boot 2 is tied to ground through 10k resistor. so I could implement boot selector that switches between `00` flashing mode, `01` serial NOR, `10` NAND, `11` eMMC on SDMMC2. and I tested the MPU could run as DFU mode and I could see it in Cube Programmer tool.
but I can not get understood how can I flash linux to my board.
exactly, I could build linux using yocto but, where should I put my DTS files that generated by Cube IDE?
I'm under WSL2 environment to build yocto. unfortunately, I'm not expert of linux kernel :(
2025-03-07 1:31 AM
Hi @jaehoon ,
Doing such a project as hobby is really impressive!
Main documentation point is our wiki :
Seems you don't experiment with one ST evaluation board. It would really help.
Be aware that Yocto build is not fully support on WSL2. We really recommand to use a Linux station.
Before to flash it's mandatory to build binary suited to your hardware
You can consider these articles
FAQ: STM32MP1 How to bring up STM32MP1 - STMicroelectronics Community
FAQ: STM32MPUs: How to create a device tree adapte... - STMicroelectronics Community
How to compile the device tree with the Distribution Package - stm32mpu
Hope it help