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Hello, I built FIP artifacts following wiki, `STM32MPU Developer Package`, 5.2. Installing the OpenSTLinux BSP packages.And I could get binary files:1. TF-A binary: tf-a-stm32mp157d-smp4-mx-optee-emmc.stm322. OPTEE binary: tee-*.bin files3. u-boot bi...
Is there a tutorial for newbie? I made my custom board by myself as hobby.the board has switches to select boot 0 and boot 1, boot 2 is tied to ground through 10k resistor. so I could implement boot selector that switches between `00` flashing mode, ...
I've drawn my own schematic that uses the STM32F107RBT6 and LAN8720A chip.And this is not an work on company, not related with my job. just hobby.I made this to study firmware development in order to make toys that utilize Ethernet.and I ordered samp...
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