2021-07-09 12:00 AM
We are building a custom embedded system based on STM32MP1 using customised OpenSTLinux. We are currently using the st-image-core as a starting point but we found it already heavy.
Is there any option or other images providing a smaller image ?
Also how can we merge the output images in a single fs. Currently there is bootfs, rootfs, userfs and vendorfs ?
Is there any documentation ressources about this topics ?
Thanks in advance
2021-07-09 12:49 AM
Maybe you could use:
part 3.5 ?
2021-07-09 2:34 AM
Ok thank you !
What about the multiple fs ? This is specific to OpenSTLinux or generic to Yocto ?
2021-07-09 2:47 AM
Well i don't think its tied to Yocto.
I think Its tied to STµ way of doing OpenSTlinux distribution
By multiple fs:
you're thinking about one big (ext4/raw/iso) file to write to µSD card / emmc
or your thinking about worrying about multiple partitions "schématics"
By using multpiple partitions, its easier to modify the software concerned in "the good place" (sorry for my crappy english)
/boot --> boot related thing
/rootfs --> Main linux related thing
/userfs --> (maps to /usr/local) your "personnals" software
/vendorfs --> µST things
We use these way, and we are almost happy with it.
Nb: by using st-image-core you could have better support from STµ
Another link, sorry it's in french, but rather cool to ease yocto maze:
2021-07-09 3:02 AM
Thanks Eldam for the feedback,
About the big (ext4/raw/iso) file to write to µSD card I think I can use the FlashLayout_sdcard_stm32mp157c-*.raw file so this not worry me that much (expected the size of this file).
I am more worrying about multiple partitions "schematics" for maintenance and update of the devices in the field. I am used of having one read only fs with all the systems (boot, vendor and rootfs) and one RW fs with /var for log and data storage. So when we perform target update we update only the first partition.
I am used to buildroot with a single rootfs less than 100MB, here we are speaking multiple fs with a size almost in GB
You said you "are almost happy with it" why only "almost" ? May I ask you how do you perform update on the field ?
Thanks for the link I will read it (le français n'est pas un problème pour moi)
2021-07-09 3:18 AM
Update on the fields:
Our custom board have USB (host) connector, and button (µSD(initial debug) +emmc (boot on emmc).
So i've made another very simple rootfs (readonly). If we push the button at startup (uboot.scr monitoring this gpio event ) we boot to recover partition,
a script will monitor USB plug-in event, if detected , we launch another copy script for copying usbkey to filesystem (can copy ext4 partition or single files)
It work, i'm happy with it.
Its a home made update system, i know there is another (Linux,professional and so on) ways to do , but my linux experience is (unfortunately)limited.
almost happy with it: bad expression, don' mind.
Have a nice weekend!
2021-07-09 4:41 AM
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2021-07-22 11:38 PM
I found In st-machine-common-stm32mp.inc the following definition which seems to be perfectly what I needed. I tried to define them all 3 to "0" in my own config. This resulted in the generation of a single root image. Unfortunately this single image do not contain files from BOOTFS, VENDORFS and USERFS.
Any idea how I can redirect these files in root partition ?
# Enable use of extra partition(s)
ST_BOOTFS ?= "1"
ST_USERFS ?= "1"
More generally speaking is there any documentation about all the ST layer on top of Yocto ? There is a lot of ST_* variable and other customization which are completely different than "normal" yocto.
Thanks in advance
2021-07-23 12:04 AM
No real idea, we don't use "create your own machine part" (doc too confusing for me)
No more hint for this subject,