2023-01-04 4:05 PM
I have to read ADC readings from 4 channels on both ADC1 and ADC2. In production mode, when OPENAMP isn't enabled, everything works as expected; however, when it's enabled, two channels are getting garbage readings. I do not know why or how to fix it.
P.S I am using starter package from ST and I have updated the device tree
2023-01-09 5:26 AM
Hi @Najib Kassab
could you please precise what mean for you "OPENAMP enabled/disabled" ? Enabled on M4 side ? Compiled with/without ?
Does 'garbage' mean fixed value ? else ?
Maybe just a buffer overwrite (as OPENAMP uses SRAMs buffers) with ADC DMA buffers or sowftware data. Please have a look to your memory map generated by the compiler.
Could be also a stack/heap overflow.
2023-01-09 6:11 AM
Hi @PatrickF , When I enable OPENAMP on the M4 side, I get two out of four channels with a garabe value; there are no fixed values; they are near-zero values.
I tried to increase the stack size, but it was still the same.
I will check the memory map, as you mentioned.