2023-05-18 10:53 PM
When I try to boot from NOR flash, it always crash.
The console has the log like this.
INFO: PMIC version = 0x21
INFO: Reset reason (0x15):
INFO: Power-on Reset (rst_por)
INFO: FCONF: Reading TB_FW firmware configuration file from: 0x2ffe2000
INFO: FCONF: Reading firmware configuration information for: stm32mp_io
INFO: Instance 1
INFO: Boot used partition fsbl1
NOTICE: BL2: v2.6-stm32mp1-r2.0(debug):()
NOTICE: BL2: Built : 07:26:18, Dec 11 2022
WARNING: Error in spi_mem_support
WARNING: Failed to read image id=12 (-45)
WARNING: loading of FWU-Metadata failed, using Bkup-FWU-Metadata
WARNING: Error in spi_mem_support
WARNING: Failed to read image id=13 (-45)
ERROR: loading of Bkup-FWU-Metadata failed
PANIC at PC : 0x2ffea2eb
Exception mode=0x00000016 at: 0x2ffea2eb
Where is the wrong config?
2023-05-19 5:19 AM
Hi @uouox
Maybe your Flashlayout was missing the metadata partitions when your programmed your NOR-Flash.
Please have a look to https://wiki.st.com/stm32mpu/wiki/STM32CubeProgrammer_flashlayout#Typical_flashlayout-tsv_file
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2023-05-19 8:33 AM
I have written the meta partition like the one from the flashlayout doc.
tsv like htis
#Opt Id Name Type IP Offset Binary
- 0x01 fsbl-boot Binary none 0x0 debug-tf-a-stm32mp157a-mp12-mx-usb.stm32
- 0x03 fip-boot FIP none 0x0 fip.bin
PD 0x04 fsbl1 Binary nor0 0x00000000 debug-tf-a-stm32mp157a-mp12-mx-nor.stm32
PD 0x05 fsbl2 Binary nor0 0x00040000 debug-tf-a-stm32mp157a-mp12-mx-nor.stm32
PD 0x06 metadata1 Binary nor0 0x00080000 metadata.bin
PD 0x07 metadata2 Binary nor0 0x000C0000 metadata.bin
PD 0x08 fip-a FIP nor0 0x00100000 fip.bin
PED 0x09 fip-b FIP nor0 0x00500000 none
PED 0x0A u-boot-env Binary nor0 0x00900000 none
PE 0x0B unused Binary nor0 0x00980000 none
2023-05-19 10:05 AM
Finally figured out the problem.
The NOR platform setting code in plat_get_nor_data() does not honor the data bus width setting the DTS file.
2023-06-12 7:05 AM
HI @uouox
could you please elaborate on the issue/solution ?
Which data bus width are you using/expecting (I assume it is 4-data).
Do you think it is a bug in our TF-A delivery ?
If relevant, could you share the fix ?