2019-03-13 7:11 AM
I have followed link...
5.1 Initializing the OpenEmbedded build environment
PC $> DISTRO=openstlinux-eglfs MACHINE=stm32mp1 source layers/meta-qt5/script???
Which script has to be executed for Qt?
Solved! Go to Solution.
2019-03-18 1:51 AM
I do confirm the build fails with "stm32mp1-disco" machine for this configuration and I have entered an internal ticket for that.
But: you can do the same successfully using the "stm32mp1" machine with the following procedure:
> DISTRO=openstlinux-eglfs MACHINE=stm32mp1 source layers/meta-st/scripts/envsetup.sh
> bitbake st-example-image-qt
"stm32mp1-disco" is building the image for the disco board only whereas "stm32mp1" is building for all ST boards.
Qt example image is (like the other sample images) an example of Qt integration. It has from far not the level of testing and performance of the Weston/wayland image.
It is an image that will (hopefully) build and boot with no warranty all the features will be there. It is up to ST customers to take it as a starting point (or not) and enhance it to their product level.
2019-03-14 7:39 AM
You need to launch the same script that will configure your Yocto environment and prepare your build directory:
PC $> source layers/meta-st/scripts/envsetup.sh
The script will ask you to select your distro then your machine.
Or you can launch directly the script with the right arguments:
PC $> DISTRO=openstlinux-eglfs MACHINE=stm32mp1 source layers/meta-st/scripts/envsetup.sh
2019-03-14 8:51 AM
That works - thank you. A built is done.
A folder "build-openstlinuxeglfs-stm32mp1-disco" was created...
... but where can I found the image, which I can flash with STM32_Programmer_CLI?
The example shows only the "weston-image"...
PC $> STM32_Programmer_CLI -c port=usb1 -w flashlayout_st-image-weston/FlashLayout_sdcard_stm32mp157c-dk2-trusted.tsv
2019-03-14 8:59 AM
same as for other build dir... tmp-glibc/deploy/images/stm32mp1-disco/
2019-03-14 9:50 AM
I can't find a "FlashLayout_sdcard_***.tsv file".
2019-03-14 10:44 AM
to build your QT image, you did:
$ bitbake st-example-image-qt
right ? Are you sure you build was successful ?
2019-03-15 1:57 AM
No - one error report "QtWebkit" was displayed...
Following procedure:
>DISTRO=openstlinux-eglfs MACHINE=stm32mp1-disco source layers/meta-st/scripts/envsetup.sh
>bitbake st-example-image-qt
2019-03-15 2:20 AM
ok I will look at it
2019-03-15 2:55 AM
Extra questions for you stmdelta:
Do you succeed in building the "default" image st-image-weston?
To do so you need to source layers/meta-st/scripts/envestup.sh anew and select this image
If yes, you can consider that your environment (PC prequesites) is good, and you can move to the second step, compilation of a QT example image.
If still KO, can you share the error message?
2019-03-18 1:51 AM
I do confirm the build fails with "stm32mp1-disco" machine for this configuration and I have entered an internal ticket for that.
But: you can do the same successfully using the "stm32mp1" machine with the following procedure:
> DISTRO=openstlinux-eglfs MACHINE=stm32mp1 source layers/meta-st/scripts/envsetup.sh
> bitbake st-example-image-qt
"stm32mp1-disco" is building the image for the disco board only whereas "stm32mp1" is building for all ST boards.
Qt example image is (like the other sample images) an example of Qt integration. It has from far not the level of testing and performance of the Weston/wayland image.
It is an image that will (hopefully) build and boot with no warranty all the features will be there. It is up to ST customers to take it as a starting point (or not) and enhance it to their product level.