Hello,unfortunately this feature is not supported. You may find a way building a X11-based image without Weston-wayland, but OpenSTLinux targets a lightweight industrial usage more than a PC-oriented usage.Best regards,
Hello,Yes release 1.2.0 is based on Thud.Nevertheless, our OpenEmbedded layers are compliant with Yocto versions, meaning that Zeus can be used with our layers.Anyway, we're working on a release that will be based on Dunfell, which has been announc...
Hello,can you precise what you want to achieve using VNC? In other words, what requires to be graphical that cannot be done with a ssh connection for example.Thanks.
Hello,we will publish a version with Zeus support by the end of February 2020. This will be part of a maintenance release, meaning that there will be no major components evolution (iso kernel, u-boot, etc.) compared to our latest 1.1.0 release.A majo...
Hello Victor,To maintain Yocto compatibility, we publish github updates on a regular basis, as you have noticed. Compatibility is maintained at BSP level. We do not guarantee the applicative framework (Weston).You may have also noticed our OpenSTLinu...