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qt aplication problem: Failed to create wl_display

Associate III

Hello @Erwan SZYMANSKI 

I hope your week started well.

I think the script didn’t work because I couldn't adjust the paths correctly. Could you please assist me in finding the correct paths and adjusting my script accordingly?





# !/bin/sh

export QSG_INFO=1
export QML2_IMPORT_PATH=~/imports/
export PATH=/usr/local/qt5-install/bin/:/usr/local/apitrace/bin:$PATH
export QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland

#Execute the Qt program
export XDG_RUNTIME_SESSION=wayland; export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/1000; export WAYLAND_DISPLAY=wayland-1; cd /usr/bin && ./automotive
nesnes@nesnes-ABRA-A5-V19-2:/usr/local$ tree -L 2
├── bin
├── etc
├── games
├── include
├── lib
│   └── python3.10
├── man -> share/man
├── sbin
├── share
│   ├── ca-certificates
│   ├── fonts
│   ├── man
│   ├── sgml
│   ├── texmf
│   └── xml
└── src





Associate III

@Erwan SZYMANSKI   I think it is on x11 as a default so I want to try that how can I do the adjustments for that


root@stm32mp15-disco:~# automotive 
qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "xcb" in ""
This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.

Available platform plugins are: eglfs, minimal, minimalegl, offscreen, vnc, wayland-egl, wayland.

Aborted (core dumped)
root@stm32mp15-disco:~# run_automotive 
Failed to create wl_display (No such file or directory)
qt.qpa.plugin: Could not load the Qt platform plugin "wayland" in "" even though it was found.
This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.

Available platform plugins are: eglfs, minimal, minimalegl, offscreen, vnc, wayland-egl, wayland.

Aborted (core dumped)

I run this command

root@stm32mp15-disco:~# export QT_DEBUG_PLUGINS=1
root@stm32mp15-disco:~# export QT_DEBUG_PLUGINS=1
root@stm32mp15-disco:~# run_automotive 
QFactoryLoader::QFactoryLoader() checking directory path "/usr/lib/plugins/platforms" ...
QFactoryLoader::QFactoryLoader() looking at "/usr/lib/plugins/platforms/"
Found metadata in lib /usr/lib/plugins/platforms/, metadata=
    "IID": "org.qt-project.Qt.QPA.QPlatformIntegrationFactoryInterface.5.3",
    "MetaData": {
        "Keys": [
    "archreq": 0,
    "className": "QEglFSIntegrationPlugin",
    "debug": false,
    "version": 331520

Got keys from plugin meta data ("eglfs")
QFactoryLoader::QFactoryLoader() looking at "/usr/lib/plugins/platforms/"
Found metadata in lib /usr/lib/plugins/platforms/, metadata=
    "IID": "org.qt-project.Qt.QPA.QPlatformIntegrationFactoryInterface.5.3",
    "MetaData": {
        "Keys": [
    "archreq": 0,
    "className": "QMinimalIntegrationPlugin",
    "debug": false,
    "version": 331520

Got keys from plugin meta data ("minimal")
QFactoryLoader::QFactoryLoader() looking at "/usr/lib/plugins/platforms/"
Found metadata in lib /usr/lib/plugins/platforms/, metadata=
    "IID": "org.qt-project.Qt.QPA.QPlatformIntegrationFactoryInterface.5.3",
    "MetaData": {
        "Keys": [
    "archreq": 0,
    "className": "QMinimalEglIntegrationPlugin",
    "debug": false,
    "version": 331520

Got keys from plugin meta data ("minimalegl")
QFactoryLoader::QFactoryLoader() looking at "/usr/lib/plugins/platforms/"
Found metadata in lib /usr/lib/plugins/platforms/, metadata=
    "IID": "org.qt-project.Qt.QPA.QPlatformIntegrationFactoryInterface.5.3",
    "MetaData": {
        "Keys": [
    "archreq": 0,
    "className": "QOffscreenIntegrationPlugin",
    "debug": false,
    "version": 331520

Got keys from plugin meta data ("offscreen")
QFactoryLoader::QFactoryLoader() looking at "/usr/lib/plugins/platforms/"
Found metadata in lib /usr/lib/plugins/platforms/, metadata=
    "IID": "org.qt-project.Qt.QPA.QPlatformIntegrationFactoryInterface.5.3",
    "MetaData": {
        "Keys": [
    "archreq": 0,
    "className": "QVncIntegrationPlugin",
    "debug": false,
    "version": 331520

Got keys from plugin meta data ("vnc")
QFactoryLoader::QFactoryLoader() looking at "/usr/lib/plugins/platforms/"
Found metadata in lib /usr/lib/plugins/platforms/, metadata=
    "IID": "org.qt-project.Qt.QPA.QPlatformIntegrationFactoryInterface.5.3",
    "MetaData": {
        "Keys": [
    "archreq": 0,
    "className": "QWaylandEglPlatformIntegrationPlugin",
    "debug": false,
    "version": 331520

Got keys from plugin meta data ("wayland-egl")
QFactoryLoader::QFactoryLoader() looking at "/usr/lib/plugins/platforms/"
Found metadata in lib /usr/lib/plugins/platforms/, metadata=
    "IID": "org.qt-project.Qt.QPA.QPlatformIntegrationFactoryInterface.5.3",
    "MetaData": {
        "Keys": [
    "archreq": 0,
    "className": "QWaylandIntegrationPlugin",
    "debug": false,
    "version": 331520

Got keys from plugin meta data ("wayland")
QFactoryLoader::QFactoryLoader() checking directory path "/usr/bin/platforms" ...
loaded library "/usr/lib/plugins/platforms/"
Failed to create wl_display (No such file or directory)
qt.qpa.plugin: Could not load the Qt platform plugin "wayland" in "" even though it was found.
This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.

Available platform plugins are: eglfs, minimal, minimalegl, offscreen, vnc, wayland-egl, wayland.

Aborted (core dumped)


@Erwan SZYMANSKI  I couldn't fix the issue can you help me solve it

root@stm32mp15-disco:~# ls /usr/lib/qml/QtQuick/Layouts/  plugins.qmltypes  qmldir
root@stm32mp15-disco:~# chmod 755 /usr/lib/qml/QtQuick/Layouts/
chmod: cannot access '/usr/lib/qml/QtQuick/Layouts/': No such file or directory
root@stm32mp15-disco:~# chmod 755 /usr/lib/qml/QtQuick/Layouts/
root@stm32mp15-disco:~# run_automotive
Failed to create wl_display (No such file or directory)
qt.qpa.plugin: Could not load the Qt platform plugin "wayland" in "" even though it was found.
This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.

Available platform plugins are: eglfs, minimal, minimalegl, offscreen, vnc, wayland-egl, wayland.

Aborted (core dumped)
root@stm32mp15-disco:~# export QT_QPA_PLATFORM=offscreen
root@stm32mp15-disco:~# run_automotive
Failed to create wl_display (No such file or directory)
qt.qpa.plugin: Could not load the Qt platform plugin "wayland" in "" even though it was found.
This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.

Available platform plugins are: eglfs, minimal, minimalegl, offscreen, vnc, wayland-egl, wayland.

Aborted (core dumped)
root@stm32mp15-disco:~# automotive 
QStandardPaths: runtime directory '/run/user/1000' is not owned by UID 0, but a directory permissions 0700 owned by UID 1000 GID 1000
QQmlApplicationEngine failed to load component
qrc:/qml/automotive.qml:5:1: plugin cannot be loaded for module "QtQuick.Layouts": Cannot protect module QtQuick.Layouts 2 as it was never registered


Hello @nesnes 


we recently published a meta layer for Qt5 installation, this is available here:


And doc at :


Hope it can help you to have a correct QtQuick.Layout package installation.




In order to give better visibility on the answered topics, please click on 'Accept as Solution' on the reply which solved your issue or answered your question.



I already added that layer and also the meta-qt5 layer in that git repository to my image in bblayer.conf file.I received this error with does layer.  My board is stm32mp157f-dk2 is supported as said in this line.



Supported STM32MPU devices

This expansion package is supporting below STM32 MPU boards.




 And added the necessary packets to my local.conf file too. The ones that comes with

meta-st-x-linux-qt and meta-qt5 layer.




# This file is your local configuration file and is where all local user settings
# are placed. The comments in this file give some guide to the options a new user
# to the system might want to change but pretty much any configuration option can
# be set in this file. More adventurous users can look at
# local.conf.sample.extended which contains other examples of configuration which
# can be placed in this file but new users likely won't need any of them
# initially. There's also site.conf.sample which contains examples of site specific
# information such as proxy server addresses.
# Lines starting with the '#' character are commented out and in some cases the
# default values are provided as comments to show people example syntax. Enabling
# the option is a question of removing the # character and making any change to the
# variable as required.

# Machine Selection
# You need to select a specific machine to target the build with. There are a selection
# of emulated machines available which can boot and run in the QEMU emulator:
#MACHINE ?= "qemuarm"
#MACHINE ?= "qemuarm64"
#MACHINE ?= "qemumips"
#MACHINE ?= "qemumips64"
#MACHINE ?= "qemuppc"
#MACHINE ?= "qemux86"
#MACHINE ?= "qemux86-64"
# This sets the default machine to be qemux86-64 if no other machine is selected:
#MACHINE ??= "qemux86-64"
MACHINE = "stm32mp15-disco"

# These are some of the more commonly used values. Looking at the files in the
# meta/conf/machine directory, or the conf/machine directory of any additional layers
# you add in will show all the available machines.

# Default policy config
# The distribution setting controls which policy settings are used as defaults.
# The default value is fine for general Yocto project use, at least initially.
# Ultimately when creating custom policy, people will likely end up subclassing
# these defaults.
# This sets the default distribution to be nodistro if no other distribution is selected:
#DISTRO ??= "nodistro"
DISTRO = "openstlinux-weston"
IMAGE_INSTALL:append = " qtbase qtdeclarative qtbase-plugins qtquickcontrols2 qtwayland"
IMAGE_INSTALL:append = " wayland weston " 
IMAGE_INSTALL:append = " automotive "
DISTRO_FEATURES:append = " wayland"

# Where to place downloads
# During a first build the system will download many different source code tarballs
# from various upstream projects. This can take a while, particularly if your network
# connection is slow. These are all stored in DL_DIR. When wiping and rebuilding you
# can preserve this directory to speed up this part of subsequent builds. This directory
# is safe to share between multiple builds on the same machine too.
# The default is a downloads directory under TOPDIR which is the build directory.
#DL_DIR ?= "${TOPDIR}/downloads"

# Where to place shared-state files
# BitBake has the capability to accelerate builds based on previously built output.
# This is done using "shared state" files which can be thought of as cache objects
# and this option determines where those files are placed.
# You can wipe out TMPDIR leaving this directory intact and the build would regenerate
# from these files if no changes were made to the configuration. If changes were made
# to the configuration, only shared state files where the state was still valid would
# be used (done using checksums).
# The default is a sstate-cache directory under TOPDIR.
#SSTATE_DIR ?= "${TOPDIR}/sstate-cache"

# Where to place the build output
# This option specifies where the bulk of the building work should be done and
# where BitBake should place its temporary files and output. Keep in mind that
# this includes the extraction and compilation of many applications and the toolchain
# which can use Gigabytes of hard disk space.
# The default is a tmp directory under TOPDIR.
#TMPDIR = "${TOPDIR}/tmp"

# Package Management configuration
# This variable lists which packaging formats to enable. Multiple package backends
# can be enabled at once and the first item listed in the variable will be used
# to generate the root filesystems.
# Options are:
#  - 'package_deb' for debian style deb files
#  - 'package_ipk' for ipk files are used by opkg (a debian style embedded package manager)
#  - 'package_rpm' for rpm style packages
# E.g.: PACKAGE_CLASSES ?= "package_rpm package_deb package_ipk"
# We default to ipk:
PACKAGE_CLASSES ?= "package_ipk"

# SDK target architecture
# This variable specifies the architecture to build SDK items for and means
# you can build the SDK packages for architectures other than the machine you are
# running the build on (i.e. building i686 packages on an x86_64 host).
# Supported values are i686, x86_64, aarch64
#SDKMACHINE ?= "i686"

# Extra image configuration defaults
# The EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES variable allows extra packages to be added to the generated
# images. Some of these options are added to certain image types automatically. The
# variable can contain the following options:
#  "dbg-pkgs"       - add -dbg packages for all installed packages
#                     (adds symbol information for debugging/profiling)
#  "src-pkgs"       - add -src packages for all installed packages
#                     (adds source code for debugging)
#  "dev-pkgs"       - add -dev packages for all installed packages
#                     (useful if you want to develop against libs in the image)
#  "ptest-pkgs"     - add -ptest packages for all ptest-enabled packages
#                     (useful if you want to run the package test suites)
#  "tools-sdk"      - add development tools (gcc, make, pkgconfig etc.)
#  "tools-debug"    - add debugging tools (gdb, strace)
#  "eclipse-debug"  - add Eclipse remote debugging support
#  "tools-profile"  - add profiling tools (oprofile, lttng, valgrind)
#  "tools-testapps" - add useful testing tools (ts_print, aplay, arecord etc.)
#  "debug-tweaks"   - make an image suitable for development
#                     e.g. ssh root access has a blank password
# There are other application targets that can be used here too, see
# meta/classes-recipe/image.bbclass and
# meta/classes-recipe/core-image.bbclass for more details.
# We default to enabling the debugging tweaks.
EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES ?= "debug-tweaks"

# Additional image features
# The following is a list of additional classes to use when building images which
# enable extra features. Some available options which can be included in this variable
# are:
#   - 'buildstats' collect build statistics
USER_CLASSES ?= "buildstats"

# Runtime testing of images
# The build system can test booting virtual machine images under qemu (an emulator)
# after any root filesystems are created and run tests against those images. It can also
# run tests against any SDK that are built. To enable this uncomment these lines.
# See meta/classes-recipe/test{image,sdk}.bbclass for further details.
#IMAGE_CLASSES += "testimage testsdk"
#TESTIMAGE_AUTO:qemuall = "1"

# Interactive shell configuration
# Under certain circumstances the system may need input from you and to do this it
# can launch an interactive shell. It needs to do this since the build is
# multithreaded and needs to be able to handle the case where more than one parallel
# process may require the user's attention. The default is iterate over the available
# terminal types to find one that works.
# Examples of the occasions this may happen are when resolving patches which cannot
# be applied, to use the devshell or the kernel menuconfig
# Supported values are auto, gnome, xfce, rxvt, screen, konsole (KDE 3.x only), none
# Note: currently, Konsole support only works for KDE 3.x due to the way
# newer Konsole versions behave
#OE_TERMINAL = "auto"
# By default disable interactive patch resolution (tasks will just fail instead):

# Disk Space Monitoring during the build
# Monitor the disk space during the build. If there is less that 1GB of space or less
# than 100K inodes in any key build location (TMPDIR, DL_DIR, SSTATE_DIR), gracefully
# shutdown the build. If there is less than 100MB or 1K inodes, perform a hard halt
# of the build. The reason for this is that running completely out of space can corrupt
# files and damages the build in ways which may not be easily recoverable.
# It's necessary to monitor /tmp, if there is no space left the build will fail
# with very exotic errors.


    STOPTASKS,${DL_DIR},1G,100K \
    STOPTASKS,/tmp,100M,100K \
    HALT,${TMPDIR},100M,1K \
    HALT,${DL_DIR},100M,1K \
    HALT,${SSTATE_DIR},100M,1K \

# Shared-state files from other locations
# As mentioned above, shared state files are prebuilt cache data objects which can be
# used to accelerate build time. This variable can be used to configure the system
# to search other mirror locations for these objects before it builds the data itself.
# This can be a filesystem directory, or a remote url such as https or ftp. These
# would contain the sstate-cache results from previous builds (possibly from other
# machines). This variable works like fetcher MIRRORS/PREMIRRORS and points to the
# cache locations to check for the shared objects.
# NOTE: if the mirror uses the same structure as SSTATE_DIR, you need to add PATH
# at the end as shown in the examples below. This will be substituted with the
# correct path within the directory structure.
#file://.* https://someserver.tld/share/sstate/PATH;downloadfilename=PATH \
#file://.* file:///some/local/dir/sstate/PATH"

# Qemu configuration
# By default native qemu will build with a builtin VNC server where graphical output can be
# seen. The line below enables the SDL UI frontend too.
PACKAGECONFIG:append:pn-qemu-system-native = " sdl"
# By default libsdl2-native will be built, if you want to use your host's libSDL instead of 
# the minimal libsdl built by libsdl2-native then uncomment the ASSUME_PROVIDED line below.
#ASSUME_PROVIDED += "libsdl2-native"

# You can also enable the Gtk UI frontend, which takes somewhat longer to build, but adds
# a handy set of menus for controlling the emulator.
#PACKAGECONFIG:append:pn-qemu-system-native = " gtk+"

# Hash Equivalence
# Enable support for automatically running a local hash equivalence server and
# instruct bitbake to use a hash equivalence aware signature generator. Hash
# equivalence improves reuse of sstate by detecting when a given sstate
# artifact can be reused as equivalent, even if the current task hash doesn't
# match the one that generated the artifact.
# A shared hash equivalent server can be set with "<HOSTNAME>:<PORT>" format
#BB_HASHSERVE = "auto"

# Memory Resident Bitbake
# Bitbake's server component can stay in memory after the UI for the current command
# has completed. This means subsequent commands can run faster since there is no need
# for bitbake to reload cache files and so on. Number is in seconds, after which the
# server will shut down.

# CONF_VERSION is increased each time build/conf/ changes incompatibly and is used to
# track the version of this file when it was generated. This can safely be ignored if
# this doesn't mean anything to you.

# =========================================================================
#   ST SPecific
# =========================================================================

# Set GLIBC_GENERATE_LOCALES to the locales you wish to generate should you not
# wish to perform the time-consuming step of generating all LIBC locales.
# NOTE: If removing en_US.UTF-8 you will also need to uncomment, and set
# appropriate value for IMAGE_LINGUAS.
# WARNING: this may break localisation!
IMAGE_LINGUAS ?= "en-gb"

# Additional image generation features
# The following is a list of classes to import to use in the generation of images
# currently an example class is image_types_uboot
# IMAGE_CLASSES = " image_types_uboot"

# Support of devshell
INHERIT += "devshell"

# Remove the old image before the new one generated to save disk space

# Nice debug data
INHERIT += "buildhistory"

# Clean up working directory after build
INHERIT += "rm_work"

# To generate debug image with all symbol

# force the usage of debian package
PACKAGE_CLASSES = "package_deb"

# To enable archiver for recipes that are configured

# Setup environment for builds binary reproducibility

# Setup eSDK

# Enable PR server to avoid version-going-backward issue
PRSERV_HOST = "localhost:0"

# =========================================================================
# Configure STM32MP default version to github
# =========================================================================
#STM32MP_SOURCE_SELECTION:pn-linux-stm32mp = "github"
#STM32MP_SOURCE_SELECTION:pn-optee-os-stm32mp = "github"
#STM32MP_SOURCE_SELECTION:pn-tf-a-stm32mp = "github"
#STM32MP_SOURCE_SELECTION:pn-u-boot-stm32mp = "github"

# =========================================================================
# Set EULA acceptance
# =========================================================================
ACCEPT_EULA_stm32mp15-disco = "1"



Hi @nesnes 


have you used the "st-image-qt" image generated by

bitbake st-image-qt 




In order to give better visibility on the answered topics, please click on 'Accept as Solution' on the reply which solved your issue or answered your question.

@PPAGE.13yes I build the image with bitbake st-image-qt and flash the image with this file

nesnes@nesnes-ABRA-A5-V19-2:~/STM32MPU-Ecosystem-v5.1.0/Distribution-Package/build-openstlinuxweston-stm32mp15-disco$ bitbake st-image-qt
NOTE: Started PRServer with DBfile: /home/nesnes/STM32MPU-Ecosystem-v5.1.0/Distribution-Package/build-openstlinuxweston-stm32mp15-disco/cache/prserv.sqlite3, Address:, PID: 63576
Loading cache: 100% |########################################################################################################################################################################| Time: 0:00:00
Loaded 4700 entries from dependency cache.
NOTE: Resolving any missing task queue dependencies

Build Configuration:
BB_VERSION           = "2.4.0"
BUILD_SYS            = "x86_64-linux"
NATIVELSBSTRING      = "universal"
TARGET_SYS           = "arm-ostl-linux-gnueabi"
MACHINE              = "stm32mp15-disco"
DISTRO               = "openstlinux-weston"
DISTRO_VERSION       = "4.2.4-snapshot-20240826"
TUNE_FEATURES        = "arm vfp cortexa7 neon vfpv4 thumb callconvention-hard"
TARGET_FPU           = "hard"
DISTRO_CODENAME      = "mickledore"
ACCEPT_EULA_stm32mp15-disco = "1"
GCCVERSION           = "12.%"
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel = "linux-stm32mp"
meta-oe              = "HEAD:aa5e8edabbc414d8ec1b2ad63c8743c7baf99626"
meta-st-x-linux-qt   = "v1.0.0:1e51cb49240116fb512deccd8f6bad551918f866"
meta-qt5             = "scarthgap:eb828418264a49b8d00035cb3d7b12fcea3be801"
meta-webserver       = "HEAD:aa5e8edabbc414d8ec1b2ad63c8743c7baf99626"
meta-st-stm32mp      = "HEAD:1f152e07019dc06fd331b4926ec7e76ceae3d259"
meta-st-openstlinux  = "HEAD:2636960b2bead3d1cb294e378e2b06ef8997189e"
meta                 = "HEAD:23b5141400b2c676c806df3308f023f7c04e34e0"

Initialising tasks: 100% |###################################################################################################################################################################| Time: 0:00:03
Sstate summary: Wanted 412 Local 400 Mirrors 0 Missed 12 Current 3052 (97% match, 99% complete)
Removing 6 stale sstate objects for arch stm32mp15_disco: 100% |#############################################################################################################################| Time: 0:00:00
NOTE: Executing Tasks
NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 8460 tasks of which 8420 didn't need to be rerun and all succeeded.
NOTE: Writing buildhistory
NOTE: Writing buildhistory took: 2 seconds


@PPAGE.13Didnt solved my issue, do you have any other suggestions ?

Hello @nesnes,


export QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland

If you would like to run your Qt application using the wayland backend then you likely need to switch to the weston user account.

Failed to create wl_display (No such file or directory)

otherwise the display init call will fail.

Use below command to start your application.


#Execute the Qt program
su -l "weston" -c "cd /usr/bin && ./automotive"


If you are using the X-LINUX-QT then the default environment variables are already set you shouldn't need to change it. Below settings aren't needed.

export QSG_INFO=1
export QML2_IMPORT_PATH=~/imports/
export PATH=/usr/local/qt5-install/bin/:/usr/local/apitrace/bin:$PATH
export QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland

export XDG_RUNTIME_SESSION=wayland; export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/1000; export WAYLAND_DISPLAY=wayland-1;

You can also force QT backend selection using command line option '-platform=wayland' in your script.


Please refer to below wiki for more hints on how to fix Wayland/Weston issues.


Please let me know if you still have issue.

Best Regards,



Hii @bbakram I tryed your solution but it did not work eather. I tryed different example to see if I recevie the samne error and here is how it went . I used the example frpm qt wearable , error says that main.qrc not found but it is in my sources.


ST OpenSTLinux - Weston - (A Yocto Project Based Distro) 4.2.4-snapshot stm32mp15-disco ttySTM0

stm32mp15-disco login: root (automatic login)

[   33.770165] vdda: disabling
root@stm32mp15-disco:~# wearable
QStandardPaths: runtime directory '/run/user/1000' is not owned by UID 0, but a directory permissions 0700 owned by UID 1000 GID 1000
QQmlApplicationEngine failed to load component
qrc:/Main.qml: No such file or directory
root@stm32mp15-disco:~# wearable2
QStandardPaths: runtime directory '/run/user/1000' is not owned by UID 0, but a directory permissions 0700 owned by UID 1000 GID 1000
QQmlApplicationEngine failed to load component
qrc:/Main.qml: No such file or directory
root@stm32mp15-disco:~# su -l "weston" -c "cd /usr/bin && ./automotive"
QQmlApplicationEngine failed to load component
qrc:/qml/automotive.qml:5:1: plugin cannot be loaded for module "QtQuick.Layouts": Cannot protect module QtQuick.Layouts 2 as it was never registered
root@stm32mp15-disco:~# su -l "weston" -c "cd /usr/bin && ./wearable"
QQmlApplicationEngine failed to load component
qrc:/Main.qml: No such file or directory
root@stm32mp15-disco:~# su -l "weston" -c "cd /usr/bin && wearable"
QQmlApplicationEngine failed to load component
qrc:/Main.qml: No such file or directory
root@stm32mp15-disco:~# export QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland
root@stm32mp15-disco:~# su -l "weston" -c "cd /usr/bin && ./automotive"
QQmlApplicationEngine failed to load component
qrc:/qml/automotive.qml:5:1: plugin cannot be loaded for module "QtQuick.Layouts": Cannot protect module QtQuick.Layouts 2 as it was never registered
root@stm32mp15-disco:~# su -l "weston" -c "cd /usr/bin && wearable"
QQmlApplicationEngine failed to load component
qrc:/Main.qml: No such file or directory


SUMMARY = "Wearable Application (Prebuilt and Compiled from Source)"
DESCRIPTION = "Includes prebuilt wearable binary and also compiles wearable2 from source"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${COMMON_LICENSE_DIR}/MIT;md5=0835ade698e0bcf8506ecda2f7b4f302"

SRC_URI = "file://src/wearable \

S = "${WORKDIR}/src"

DEPENDS = "qtbase qtquickcontrols2"

inherit qmake5

# Install prebuilt wearable and build wearable2 from source
do_install() {
    install -d ${D}${bindir}

    # Install prebuilt executable
    install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/src/wearable ${D}${bindir}/wearable

    # Build from source
    cd ${S}
    qmake  # Specify the .pro file for qmake

    # Install the source-built executable as wearable2
    install -m 0755 wearable ${D}${bindir}/wearable2

FILES_${PN} = "${bindir}/wearable ${bindir}/wearable2"
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