2020-07-09 1:18 AM
The program can not be uploaded under the dunfell distribution via CUBEIDE 1.3.1 to the target system. Using the thud distribution, target uploads works.
Are there any hidden upload scripts in the CUBEIDE - how to debug the debug upload?
Which yocto packages are necessary to cooperate with the CUBEIDE?
Solved! Go to Solution.
2020-07-09 3:10 AM
# stm32 nucleo boards, with onboard st/linkv2-1
# ie, STM32F0, STM32F4.
# STM32VL has st/linkv1, which is quite different
SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0483", ATTRS{idProduct}=="374b", \
MODE:="0666", \
SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0483", ATTRS{idProduct}=="3752", \
MODE:="0666", \
# If you share your linux system with other users, or just don't like the
# idea of write permission for everybody, you can replace MODE:="0666" with
# OWNER:="yourusername" to create the device owned by you, or with
# GROUP:="somegroupname" and mange access using standard unix groups.
i have the following udev rules in my etc...
49-stlinkv1.rules.O 49-stlinkv2-1.rules.O 49-stlinkv2.rules.O 49-stlinkv3.rules.O
2020-07-09 3:21 AM
I think the major issue is that the ELF file is not getting uploaded to the target device.
How can I check this in the CUBEIDE.
What is the CUBEIDE doing before uploading the ELF file to the target device?
2020-07-09 3:26 AM
could you please add https openocd download support, since many users are companies are behind a firewall which only allows http git fetch:
diff --git a/recipes-devtools/openocd/openocd-stm32mp_0.10.0.bb b/recipes-devtools/openocd/openocd-stm32mp_0.10.0.bb
index 1f0e02f..76f08c3 100644
--- a/recipes-devtools/openocd/openocd-stm32mp_0.10.0.bb
+++ b/recipes-devtools/openocd/openocd-stm32mp_0.10.0.bb
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=b234ee4d69f5fce4486a80fdaf4a4263"
require openocd-stm32mp.inc
-SRC_URI_prepend = " git://repo.or.cz/openocd.git;name=openocd "
+SRC_URI_prepend = " git://repo.or.cz/openocd.git;name=openocd;protocol=https "
SRCREV_FORMAT = "openocd"
SRCREV_openocd = "b5d2b1224fed3909aa3314339611ac5ac7ab0f82"
2020-07-09 3:33 AM
Even if the /lib/firmware path does not exist on the target device, there is no error produced, while uploading the ELF file using CUBEIDE.
2020-07-09 5:47 AM
I have replaced on my target dropbear_2019.78.bb with dropbear_2018.76.bb from thud.
Now the progress bar appears in the CUBEIDE.
I will now replace openocd from thud.
2020-07-09 6:08 AM
OK, I have also downgraded the openocd and I am using the thud build .bb package and now it works.
You may check the supported ssh protocols in eclipse with respect to the dropbear implementation before shipping.;)
@Community member were there any differences in the dunfell starter package compared to the git repository?
Many Greetings, Markus
2020-07-09 6:30 AM
Hi @meiss.M
Thanks for all these inputs and finding.
We will investigate this.
2020-07-09 7:04 AM
To complete information can you share linux version you use for host ?
2020-07-09 7:31 AM
# lsb_release -d
Description: Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS
within a docker environment.
On anther build system i use arch
However, the ssh related issues should be independent of the distro.
Please, add some ssh error checking in the CUBEIDE, maybe this can be done within the remote system explorer in eclipse?
2020-07-15 7:55 AM
Hi @meiss.M (Community Member)
This issue has been understood. It is linked to the dropbear version that has changed in 5.4 dunfell version (OpenSTLinux 2.0) with a removed feature compared to the one in kernel 4.19 (OpenSTLinux V1.2)
An OpenSTLinux V2.0 patch will be released soon, for the time being as a workaround:
copy "/usr/sbin/dropbear" binary file found on an OpenSTLinux V1.2 image to an OpenSTLinux V2.0 image.
Add at the end of conf/local.conf: PACKAGECONFIG_append_pn-dropbear = " "
Best Regards