2024-11-15 6:46 AM
According to the wiki here: ROM_code_overview, the pins to boot from a serial NOR flash chip can be modified by the OTP Register. I understand that I must set the bit 0 of the word 3 to 1, but how do I define which function I move to another pin? which pins can i use?
For example, could I move the QUADSPI_CLK signal from pin PF10 to PA7? And how?
2024-11-15 7:23 AM
Hi @vmartinm
Best would be to stick with default which avoid OTP programming which is always adding complexity in development and production.
Obviously, you could only use pins where related signal is available (Datasheet or CubeMx should help).
For an example, look at this post: https://community.st.com/t5/stm32-mpus-products/stm32mp133-otp-alternate-qspi-boot/m-p/572423
Once you have defined which pins on which AF, you could compute the OTP3/OTP5/OTP6/OTP7
If you post your values, I could try to check them.