2022-02-26 6:53 AM
hello , i'm following this tutorial LoRaWAN with STM32 Getting Started: Part 1, LoRaWAN with STM32WL Overview - YouTube
and i want to know why targeting STM32WL as end-node instead of STM32LO and How I can buy this material decomposer not a complete package like P_NUCLEO_LRWAN2
just buy one by one :
-Nuculo STM32F746
- RisingHF arduino expansion board (LRWAN_GS_HF1)
thank you
2022-02-26 11:14 AM
Probably because the kit is relatively old, there is depth of stock, and the gateway board was a custom design. These things are probably sold with very low margin. I'd expect a stand-alone gateway board would be close to $100 alone, especially given the supply-chain/parts issues currently..
The STM32L0 NUCLEO w/USI Shield board has always be dated, and has relatively low value. The Murata module was significantly better (SX1276 + STM32L0 w/192KB FLASH), and clearly now the focus has moved to the STM32WL as the most current iteration, and where all the coding resources and mindshare are now.
I understand the request, but near-term I don't see that happening..
2022-02-26 11:30 AM
thank you sir
2022-02-26 10:46 PM
This video is intended to demonstrate how to set up your own private Lora wan network and explain the processes of connecting a gateway and end device to it and then forward the reported data to an Application server. The hardware being used for the gateway and end devices will be based on the NUCLEO-WL55JC1 and a P-NUCLEO-LRWAN2 development boards.
Links & resources referenced in this video:
1:39 STM32CubeWL: https://bit.ly/STM32CubeWL
1:42 STM32CubeWL: https://bit.ly/STM32CubeIDE
1:45 STM32CubeProgrammer: https://bit.ly/STM32CubeProg
2:00 P-NUCLEO-LRWAN2: https://apkfl.com/pro-cricket-mobile/
3:19 NUCLEO-WL55JC: https://bit.ly/NUCLEO-WL55JC
4:00 The Things Network: https://www.thethingsnetwork.org/docs/gateways/st/
2022-02-27 1:47 AM
thank you sir, but i just want to buy the material one by one i found
-Nuculo STM32F746: NUCLEO-F746ZG - STM32 Nucleo-144 development board with STM32F746ZG MCU, supports Arduino, ST Zio and morpho connectivity - STMicroelectronics
can you help me find where i can buy:
-RisingHF arduino expansion board (LRWAN_GS_HF1) ???