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Urgent: request for Suggestion to get minimum Sleep Current


Hi team,


Warm Greetings

I am using STM32WB55RG6VTR controller in our battery operated product development. We are enabling the sleep mode in the controller to test the current which is around 10mA but it is supposed to be around 40uA if all peripherals are enabled. Moreover, our requirement is to have the sleep current less than 10uA.So, I would like you guys to give us some suggestions on the maintaining the specified sleep current mentioned in the datasheet and also options to disable the in-Built SMPS Power to reduce the overall current consumption in sleep mode of the controller.

PFA of the test code Zip file for your reference.

Your quick response to this query would be highly appreciated.


Thanks & regards

Darshan R


Larger currents can generally be attributed to things you have connected to GPIO's and pulling currents, like LEDs and signals into other devices. Change to Analogue Inputs or identify likely candidates from an understanding of your design / connectivity.

STM32's typically need to be in STANDBY to draw negligible power.

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