2023-07-17 6:19 AM
I do everything as decribled here:
-stm32u5 program with ble at client code
-on stm32wb I update fus, stack and program BLE_AT_Server_reference.hex from STM32Cube_FW_WB_V1.17.0
When i try run app @teraterm i see:
Start of the STM32WB5M module AT example.
Run ST BLE sensor application on your smartphone and connect to you device.
Press user button:
- once to notify a value.
- twice to toggle the BLE service.
But my iphone ST BLE Sensor app(i also try android) dont find any device, i don't know why, I also try ST Ble Sensor Classic app and this don't help (I don't know which one i should use).
2023-09-04 2:06 AM
I still haven't solved this problem
2023-09-04 3:46 AM
Hello @Dziubasku
First, you have to re-flash the STM32WB5MMG firmware to the latest version and flash the BLE_AT_Server_reference.hex from https://github.com/STMicroelectronics/STM32CubeWB
Don't use BLE_AT_Server.hex from the library binary, it will disable the swd connection, if you happen to do that and can't connect to the board anymore, just change the stm32programmer mode to under reset then press reset button for the bluetooth module and release it, it will let you to connect to the bluetooth module and erase the program.
After that if you got another problem that sometimes the program will hang at "TX : AT", to solve this You have to reset the bluetooth module and then reset the main board, or simply reset the main board and re-plug the usb cable.
Hope this is helpful for you. If this answers your questions please check this answer as best answer to be diffused to everyone.
Best regards
2023-10-05 12:11 AM
I re-flash again to newest version, but I still have same problem - STBLESensor classic app dont find any devices and I have same output @com port like earlier.
2023-10-05 12:24 AM
I do this
Flash FUS and BLE stack using STM32CubeProgrammer wireless tab. Full detailed instructions are into STM32CubeWB package release note.
* @0x080EC000 .\STM32Cube_FW_WB_V1.x.x\Projects\STM32WB_Copro_Wireless_Binaries\STM32WB5x\stm32wb5x_FUS_fw.bin
* @0x080CA000 .\STM32Cube_FW_WB_V1.x.x\Projects\STM32WB_Copro_Wireless_Binaries\STM32WB5x\stm32wb5x_BLE_Stack_full_fw.bin
- Flash BLE_AT_Server module application using STM32CubeProgrammer, file BLE_AT_Server_reference.hex.
* present in .\STM32Cube_FW_WB_V1.x.x\Projects\P-NUCLEO-WB55.Nucleo\Applications\BLE\BLE_AT_Server\Binary\BLE_AT_Server_reference.hex
in this order, first fus, next stack and last program firmware
2023-10-24 7:05 AM
I have the exactly same problem with my B-U585I-IOT02A board.
Using CN5 SWD connector (SW4 and SW5 are not present on my board revision), I managed to update FUS to version and stack stm32wb5x_BLE_Stack_full_fw.bin (v1.17.3.2).
After that I program the STM32WB5MMG with BLE_AT_Server_reference.hex from https://github.com/STMicroelectronics/STM32CubeWB.
Then when programming STM32U585 with BLE_AT_Client program, I can't see the device from my phone (Android) with any BLE app. It seems that the BLE device is not working anymore after receiving AT+BLE_SVC=1 (though it sent OK for the command). Any further AT command won't have OK or ERROR response.
Also I replace the AT+BLE_SVC=1 by AT+BLE_INIT=1, leading to same result.
It seems that initializing the BLE stack hangs the STM32WB5MMG
Any advice ?
2024-02-13 5:31 PM
@STTwo-32 I am also stuck here. I get hung up on:
Start of the STM32WB5M module AT example.
Run ST BLE sensor application on your smartphone and connect to you device.
Press user button:
- once to notify a value.
- twice to toggle the BLE service.
But I do not see the device visible on Apple's native BLE search, STBLE Toolbox or the STBLE Sensor App. Do you have any suggestions?
2024-02-13 7:40 PM
I cannot query the module using the command: stm32wb_at_client_Query(BLE_PUB_ADDR);
It seems to get hung up on this, and probably why it is not broadcasting:
Start of the STM32WB5M module AT example.
Run ST BLE sensor application on your smartphone and connect to you device.
Press user button:
- once to notify a value.
- twice to toggle the BLE service.
Still debugging, will keep everyone informed.
2024-02-13 11:11 PM
Hi maxwellfite,
I gave up trying to make this BLE working.
Regarding the hang up, it is not due to the BLE_PUB_ADDR command but to the BLE_SVC command. You can try any other command after BLE_SVC the device won't answer.
I have also tried to flash a basic BLE example directly on the STM32WB5 but this also seems to crash when the stack is activated. I could not spend more time on this matter so we quickly dropped this board for another MCU integrating BLE.
If you find any solution other than those already tried (flashing the proper FUS, stack and firmware as recommended by ST), I would be very glad if you can share it here !
Good luck !
2024-02-14 12:00 AM - edited 2024-02-14 12:00 AM
I also gave up trying to with it, but I still have hope that someone from ST will answer and help us.