2022-12-02 12:43 AM
I am working on STM32WB15CC and working on bluetooth application (Custom Server). I am facing a problem whenever I call the functions from ble libraries like (ble_gap_aci, ble_hci_le)etc. e.g. I used the command to stop advertising or to disconnect using hci_disconnect(); the program get stuck in the stm32_seq.c and never come out of it.
Can someone kindly tell me the reason and solution??
2022-12-02 3:02 AM
I have found that it always got stuck in functions shci_cmd_resp_wait or hci_cmd_resp_wait and never return from the while loop.
Anyone have any idea about this problem?
2022-12-06 11:35 PM
I am facing same issues in custom server and default p2p_server is working fine... Anyone have any idea about this problem?
2023-01-04 1:20 AM
Which version of STM32CubeWB package are you using? Can you share the call stack when the problem occurs?
Best Regards