2021-10-12 01:53 AM
How is the advertising data :
tBleStatus aci_gap_set_discoverable( uint8_t Advertising_Type,
uint16_t Advertising_Interval_Min,
uint16_t Advertising_Interval_Max,
uint8_t Own_Address_Type,
uint8_t Advertising_Filter_Policy,
uint8_t Local_Name_Length,
const uint8_t* Local_Name,
uint8_t Service_Uuid_length,
const uint8_t* Service_Uuid_List,
uint16_t Slave_Conn_Interval_Min,
uint16_t Slave_Conn_Interval_Max )
affects the connection data:
typedef PACKED(struct)
uint8_t Status;
uint16_t Connection_Handle;
uint8_t Role;
uint8_t Peer_Address_Type;
uint8_t Peer_Address[6];
uint16_t Conn_Interval;
uint16_t Conn_Latency;
uint16_t Supervision_Timeout;
uint8_t Master_Clock_Accuracy;
} hci_le_connection_complete_event_rp0;
I am looking for something that I change in the advertising packet that will cause a change in the connection complete packet.