2019-07-12 10:06 AM
I have a STM32CubeExpansion_LRWAN_V1.2.2 project in System Workbench. I opened/converted it with TrueStudio. I modified the code and successfully compiled and ran it.
I followed the guide to Migration from TrueStudio to STM32CubeIDE and the conversion fails. The Original TrueStudio conversion appears to have left behind some System Workbench "AC6" artifacts in the .cproject and .project files. I edited these files and deleted these remanents but one of them still causes STM32CubeIDE to **** on the conversion.
Aw nuts. Any ideas?
2019-07-15 3:39 AM
You specifically want the SW -> TS -> CubeIDE project version because you've already code a bit there?
Or could you take the SW -> CubeIDE route directly to see if it makes a difference?
When you select the project to import, does it say "Import as a TrueSTUDIO project"?
What does the import log say after you try to import it?
2019-07-15 8:20 AM
I started off with I-CUBE-LRWAN LoRaWAN software expansion for STM32Cube (UM2073) 1.2.2, the End Node Project, SW4STM32. This is a System Workbench project, right?
I opened it with Atollic TrueStudio 9.3, which converted it. I made various changes and compiled it and ran it.
Then, I read a page that said, There will be no new releases of TrueSTUDIO it was replaced by STM32CubeIDE.
So, I downloaded STM32CubeIDE V1.1 and installed it and attempted to open the aforementioned project. It appears that each time it attempts to read .project and .cproject, it fails. I look inside these XML files and find that there are artifacts left over from SW4STM32.
I resolved my problem by doing another download, opening the projetc in STM32CubeIDE directly and replacing the files with my modified files.
I can think of a number of projects, already converted from SW4STM32 to Attolic TrueStudio, that I and others may want to open in STM32CubeIDE in the future.
Frnakly, to be honest, this All-In-One STM32CubeIDE is nota great idea, in my opinion. It's very heavy weight and has a huge dependency on the presence of a live Internet connection.
Here in Canada, only about 60% of the population have access to a high speed internet connection. The other 40% have nothing or a 32KByte per second modem, real slow.
I used to know a developer that lives out in the country, he goes to a library to download your libraries and documentation onto a USB stick that he then takes home to work with. It makes it difficult for him.
2019-07-16 4:02 AM
I'll see if I can take a deeper dive with a developer to look at the SW -> TS -> CubeIDE way of importing and if we can improve the importer to make sure it can handle any left over stuff from the SW -> TS conversion for a future release or even find a workaround to use in the meantime. I can also see the possibility that this might be a larger use case.
While hopefully more and more developers becomes increasingly connected in the future, I can definitely see your point regarding the heavy reliance of Internet potentially being a drawback for many developers.