2021-02-08 1:09 PM
I try to create end_node project for stm32wl5cc uC, but for unkonw reason to me it is impossible
"End_Node" option is inaccessible (grey).
In LoRaWAN_End_Node example it is available.
Ho to do this in Cube Ide.
When I try to import project from NUCLEO-WL55JC I can't change uC type to stm32wle5cc
Mcu and Board It's also grey.
2021-02-13 2:34 AM
Even i am facing Same issue
2021-02-15 1:30 AM
any luck solving the problem?
2021-03-09 10:56 AM
Hi RL20,
not so far. Someone suggest me to take existing one in Nucleo. So I created project for my uC model and just copied from Nucleo what I needed. In this approach cube mx configure soft showing something not related. Partially somethings works. I can't join to tan ;(.