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STM32WLE5 subGhz Frequency offset vs supply voltage drop

Associate III

Hi ,

In table 32 in the Datasheet we can see TXDRP parameter which describes RF output power drop versus supply voltage. 

is there also RF frequency offset as a result of the supply voltage drop ? If the answer is yes - can you estimate it ?


Thank you,


Uwe Bonnes
Principal III

What is yoyr RF frequency source? How large is the frequency chance vs supply voltage.


My RF Frequency source is 32MHZ TCXO which has +- 0.1 PPM Frequency offset for +-5 percent change of TCXO supply voltage.

But , my question is regarding the Synthesizer inside the STM32WLE5 - Does changing the one of the power supplies for the STM32WLE5 device has influence on the Synthesizer output frequency ?




I am quit sure, the synthesizer in effect is digital and there is no effective drift with voltage beside the drift of the input clock.

It is mentioned in the datasheet that there is Auto-calibration of the RF-PLL after transition between certain RF power saving modes or when invoked manually . But i didnt see any additional info regarding that   .perhaps that also insures there is no drift in PLL output frequency ?