2023-08-01 7:03 AM
Hello all, I'm using the NUCLEO-WB55 board, I want to send 100 bytes of data through BLE, but I can only able to send 20 bytes of data, Please figure out the solution or any other alternate way is there.
2023-08-02 10:18 AM
Hello @Sheik_Abdullah_P,
I recommend you BLE_HeartRate example available in the STM32CubeWB package.
For more details about this example, please have a look at the following wiki page.
2023-08-02 11:40 PM
Hello @Imen.D
How this heart rate example will help to increase packet size that will send through BLE
2023-10-18 5:39 AM
Hello @Sheik_Abdullah_P ,
I encountered the same problem. I can't send more than 20 datas, so I fixed the length at 19, but I would like to go up to 70. Did you find a way to solve this problem ?