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STM32CubeIDE project based on end_node example



I have already got the example end_node running, however, i now want to start a new project based on this example. I would like to have all Drivers and Middlewares inside the project and not just links to those files. I had many attempts trying to get it working but there are always issues with the includes. I would be grateful if someone could explain me the process of creating such a project. Thanks in advance!

Associate II

Hi KKull,

sorry but i don't get your needs.

People with experience in CUbeIDE are now on vacation, but it would be better to describe with more details the problem,

for example, do you start from intropack example or do you generate with CubeMX? what do you mean by inside the project? could you list the error you get? 

Cartu38 OpenDev
Lead II

Depends of example but if discussing about STM32Cube_FW_WL_V1.0.0\Projects\NUCLEO-WL55JC\Applications\LoRaWAN\LoRaWAN_End_Node example I would have a try relying on STM32Cube IDE "File > STM32 Project from an existing STM32CubeMX configuration file (.ioc)".

Let's rely on example .ioc file.

A brand new project is going to be created relying on no links.

Associate II

if I understand well, you copy the .ioc from the LoRaWAN_End_Node example in your own directory and you regenerate with CubeMX. Then you expect to have Drivers and Middlewares generated but it is not the case. If this is your problem the solution is quite easy:

In CubeMX panel "Project Manager" click "Code Generator" on the left, then select "Copy only necessary library files" (instead of "add as reference").

Notice however that BSP will not be generated. Driver/BSP are not supported by MX and you have to copy it manually. You can play with .extSettings file in order to generate a project that includes the BSP file as reference.

@IREMI.1​ you are right in general.

I have shared my way of working is dedicated to some specific examples. If 1.0.0 end node example has no BSP and no .extsettings file. Creating project from .ioc AND from STM32CubeIDE is going to generate under root only project without references ... so drivers are going to be part of local project repository...

Associate II

Ok, if you use v1.0.0 pseudo drivers are used (board_resource.c/h and dediceted swithces in radio_board_if.c/h) instead of BSP. So the only think you have to do is :

 "Project Manager" click "Code Generator" on the left, then select "Copy only necessary library files" (instead of "add as reference").

On the other end some MX colleagues just told me that with latest MX version there is a regression using this method. Luckily you are still on the v1.0.0 :)