2017-06-12 6:37 AM
I am trying to use LoRa connectivity with the brand new b-l072z-lrwan1 discovery board. The End Node project works perfectly but I have an issue with the AT Slave project. When I try to send LoRa packet to my Multitech gateway, this one never receive the packet and I cannot use AT command with the disco board anymore. I can only do a hardware reset of the board.
As you can see on my screenshot, the Join process has been done correctly. After the AT+SEND command I never receive a status like OK or AT ERROR.
Are you able to help me ?
Thank you !
#b-l072z-lrwan1 #at_slave #lora2017-08-14 3:03 PM
I am having this same issue. It appears to be related to the tiny_sscanf, but I can't seem to figure out why?
2017-08-14 4:54 PM
Try rebuilding the firmware using the v1.1.1 release of the LRWAN software
2017-08-15 3:12 AM
I have exactly the same problem in the AT_Slave software that I built.
I was using LRWAN software v1.1.1. I only added the 'REGION_US915' compiler switch without modifying anything of the code.
If I use the binary provided in this thread:
I can send data without this stopping issue.
Any way to solve it?
2017-08-15 9:02 AM
Here is a quick build of AT_Slave V1.1.1 US915
________________ Attachments : LoraDisco_ATSlave_US915_V111.hex.zip : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006HySN&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000b8n%2F88fmzhPFPd725.0hxoa27SXLpVu4ox7Wlsn2VuExdjU&asPdf=false2017-08-15 7:33 PM
Like others have posted we need customization, we also use US_915_HYBRID and require channel masks (hence our custom build).
2017-08-15 9:21 PM
Thanks Clive One. Your build works for me. I can send the data and receive response.
But I also need to figure out our cause as we need to customize the firmware and build ourselves.
2017-08-16 6:23 PM
Let's wind that back a bit, if you can't build the stock version into a functional firmware then you need to look at the tools you're using, because unless these work any customization is likely to similarly fail.
2017-08-16 6:25 PM
If the stock build doesn't work you should perhaps focus on that first.
2017-08-16 6:35 PM
I used the provided project and the recommended eclipse based tools. It builds just fine. Just send doesn't work. It hangs in tiny_sscanf. I worked around it and doing my own build with my own tool chain that is now working fine.