2017-08-02 12:02 AM
I'm currently working on a BLE device. This device has no screen nor keyboard. It is using a STM32L0 and is connected to an application on android.
I want to make a DFU (device firmware update) via bluetooth (OTA) so I can change the version of my product in a simple way. I would like to have my application giving via BLE packets of the new version of the firmware.
How can I process to do this ?
What do I have to do from each side of the game ? (android and my product)
I wanted to upgrade the firmware first (in order to try) into a Nucleo IDB05A1 with the L073RZ and an app (NRF connect) but still no results.
I've looked in a lot of different website but with no effective results ...
is what i want but it's not at all in connection with my products ...#dfu-bootloader #stm32l0 #ota #ble2017-08-02 02:00 AM
,Have a look to the user manual in the
2017-08-02 09:27 AM
I already had a look at this manuel, but it couldn't help me out... I'm not using this product, and it confuses me.
Could you explain me the steps and if you have some ressources for my products i would be thanksful.