2023-01-01 10:58 PM
I am using STM32CubeWL PingPong application. It is consuming 370uA in stop 2 mode. I need help to reduce it to 2uA(As specified in datasheet). I have initialized all unused GPIOs as analog inputs with no pull up. Still the module consumes 370uA in stop 2 mode. Any suggestions on how to reduce the current?
2023-01-02 8:41 AM
Are you using debugger while testing this?
@Piranha has a list of recommendations as per low-power modes.
2023-01-02 7:56 PM
Thank you @Community member
No, i disconnected all the peripherals. Still the current consumption is at 370uA.
2023-01-03 6:43 AM
Hello @Community member ,
How are you measuring the current of your uC ?
2023-01-04 10:20 AM
Jan gave a link to read an implement. And here is another one for Stop modes. None of the ST examples are correct...