2018-05-23 12:03 AM
I have been working on stm32 lora discovery kit B-L072Z-LRWAN1 board and what i want to do is, I want to program the STM32L0 board and access all the other pis related to it. The peripherals mentioned and given in the board is to be programmed using the STM32L0 module. The software I am using is System workbench based on eclipse. How am i supposed to do that ??? I referred the circuit diagram and understood that most of the pin outs and header which are given in the board are of STM32L0 and not of STM32F103xx. So i want to program the STM32L0 board independent of STM32F103... Please help me regarding the same...
##stm32f103 ##stm32 #b-l072z-lrwan12018-05-23 12:28 AM
The F103 in this context provides the ST-LINK functionality. You don't get to code for that.
2018-05-23 12:42 AM
Use STM32CubeMX for easy transition and peripheral use of STM32L0.
2018-05-23 2:45 AM
yes i know i don't code for F103 but i want to code to L0 without St-Link, by using FTDI programmer. I tried STM32CubeMx and made the peripherals active which i intend to use, but how am i supposed to burn the code in STM32L0 ?? How can i do that ??
2018-05-23 2:49 AM
I made a general led blinking code for the board, PB5 have green led connected as per the circuit diagram which is mentioned in the datasheet, so i tried programming that pin by cubemx but when i try to burn the code using the FTDI programmer it gives me an open OCD init termination error.
How can I code the board with only STM32L0 chip instead of STM32F103 by using ST-LINK
2018-05-23 2:50 AM
On the board just connect USB and use SW4STM32 to flash the code. For other USART programming, check documents by ST. You can use STM32CubeProgrammer for that, more given in documents.
2018-05-23 2:52 AM
So to the Murata module directly via a serial connection?
You could pull BOOT0 HIGH and then use the System Loader and it's protocol.
2018-05-23 2:56 AM
okay i will try that method.... Thank you
2018-05-23 2:57 AM
Okay i will use and check if i get an appropriate output...
Thank You