2019-12-19 5:06 PM
I try to create a BLE App with CubeIDE, running on P-Nucleo-WB55 board.
I have updated firmwares on my board (FUS, BLE Stack, STLink).
The code is generated on CubeMX and imported in CubeIDE.
Like many users, I have corrected Heap_Size and Stack_Size values to resolve HardFault issues found in this forum. All seems to be ok… But my board doesn’t advertise.
After debugging, I discover that program never goes in APPE_SysUserEvtRx function (in app_entry.c), and so the APP_BLE_Init is never called… Initialization in appe_Tl_Init seems to be good. I have compared BLE_p2pServer.ioc configuration and mine, no significant difference.
I think I have made a mistake but I don’t find where. Any idea?
2021-04-21 7:00 AM
I have the same problem.
FUS and BLE fullstack updated, I generated a new CubeMX project (BLE heart sensor) :
What's the next step of debugging?