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Pairing flow with Bonding list and Resolving list

Senior II

In general , when does resolving list used by stack and when is the data in bonding list used during pairing?

I see that entries can be added by application to the resolving list, something that can't be done to the bonding list.

Is there some chart explaining what pairing does? and more specifically from where it reads its info?

ST Employee

Hello @DS.4 

The resolving list is used by the Bluetooth stack to manage bonded devices that use Resolvable Private Addresses (RPAs). When a device is added to the resolving list, the stack can recognize the device even when it advertises with an RPA, allowing for a connection without the need for pairing again, as the devices share a trusted relationship (i.e., they are bonded).

The bonding list is used to store information about devices that have been paired with, which includes keys and identification information. This information is used during the pairing process to establish a secure connection. Once the devices are bonded, the characteristic can be read after encryption is established, indicating that the bonding information is used to maintain a secure connection after the initial pairing.

Best Regards.


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So resolving list is for Central usage only, 

Peripheral has no usage for it , am I correct ?



From this Context it seems to be correct.

Best Regards.


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