2021-11-25 3:52 PM
Hello, I bought this development kit to learn LoRaWan technology and improve myself.
STM32 Nucleo pack LoRa™ HF band sensor and gateway.
I made the connections of the product as written in the User's Manuals and saw that the product was working. I received the sensor data in the LorIOT portal without any problems. In other words, both the Gateway and the sensor board are working without any problems.
Then I wanted to make changes on Code and I downloaded I-CUBE-LRWAN software expansion for STM32Cube (UM2073) from ST.Com and opened it in STM32 Cube IDE. I compiled the code without any problems and uploaded it to my I-NUCLEO-LRWAN1 board without any problems.
When I start the debug process, it gives this error.
"Target is not responding, retrying..."
"Error! Failed to read target status
Debugger connection lost.
Shutting down..."
I also get this error message when I stop the Debug process after this error.
Where am I going wrong?
2022-01-08 4:46 AM
Sounds like the Target is going to sleep, so the debug connection is lost.