2021-01-04 1:14 AM
Hello, I ask here a question already asked in another topic and which as not received any answer.
I would like to know how to
implement Multicast messaging
on my end-node (currently using Murata Module (CMWX1ZZABZ-078) with ST LoRa
libraries (Expansion I-CUBE-LRWAN).
My code is developed from I-CUBE-LRWAN
v1.2.1 and I don't see keys dedicated for multicast in commissioning.h file.
I downloaded the last version v1.3.1 and
I see in the same file :
"Application root key - Used to
derive Multicast keys on 1.0.x devices."
Is there also a device address dedicated
for multicast ?
Do this version fully support multicast messages ?
Regards, Fabrice.
2021-01-04 1:23 AM
That's often how forums work, try asking your colleagues responsible for LoRa stack support?