2020-01-31 5:44 AM
I am trying to compile the BLE_DataThroughput example project. First, I started with CubeIDE. The program compiles for BLE central, but does not behave as expected on the hardware. For peripheral (#define CFG_BLE_CENTRAL 0) there are unknown symbols in the pre-compiler.
So I installed SW4STM32. Now both cases compile without error and #define CFG_BLE_CENTRAL 1 works as expected in hardware (output to the serial console, but does not find the other board to connect to).
However, #define CFG_BLE_CENTRAL 0 compiles as well, but does not output anything.
Do you have any hints on how to get started with the example project? Thank you very much!
2020-02-17 8:12 AM
Using CubeWB FW delivery v1.4.0 with the SW4STM32 project and #define CFG_BLE_CENTRAL 0, all is OK on our side.
We can see the traces on the terminal.