2019-07-29 9:01 AM
Hello to everyone,
I don't have a gateway but two B-L072Z-LRWAN1 kits. So I am trying to send a sensor data between these kits. ST has i-cube-lrwan library for kit but it is not compatible with CubeMX and very complex because of LoRaWAN. I have used ping-pong example but when try use ADC or I2C I have failed. Is there any way, library, use these kit only for LoRa communication compatible with CubeMX.
Thanks for help.
2019-07-29 9:40 AM
The Semtech radios inherently support LoRa comms in a point-to-(multi)point fashion. They have to layer on functionality to support LoRaWAN.
I'm not aware of any way to apply the "CubeMX" paradigm into Semtech libraries*, you really need to focus on pure HAL implementation, the subset that LRWAN uses, or a more underlying understanding of how the parts work, and how the libraries help or hinder development work.
*It's not so much a situation where things can't be done, but rather the costs of refactoring everything entirely is too high, and the delivered article being too large and slow, and drawing too much power.
Clicking a button in CubeMX is unlikely to ever deliver a solution or understanding of the problem space.
For Ping-Point : Understand the mechanics of what's happening, and the separation of the main loop from the transmission/reception. Add functionality that doesn't interfere with the timely operation of the radio, or the management of data in the main loop. Add depth of buffering when moving beyond the simplistic ping-pong interactions.
2019-07-29 9:57 AM
Thank you so much for your answer. So, are you advice to trying to change ping-pong example for my application?