2024-11-13 4:19 AM
Good morning all, I am working on a school project to create a hydroponic garden within a greenhouse in my backyard. I am using the NUCLEO-STM32WBA55 board. When I update using the STLINK the board is recognized by my pc but when trying to run I get a “Target no device found” error. I have followed the steps from the “STM32WBA5x workshop 4” but every time I run into this issue. I have never really worked with these before so I am probably missing something simple. Any help would be appreciated.
2024-11-13 5:37 AM
> When I update using the STLINK the board is recognized by my pc but when trying to run I get a “Target no device found” error.
"Target not found" means the ST-Link part on the Nucleo board cannot communicate with the target device - which is the STM32WBA55.
Have you consulted the user manual, and checked for e.g. LEDs signalizing errors ?
Have you checked the 3.3V supply voltage for the target MCU is present ?
I don't have a NUCLEO-STM32WBA55, so I can't give more specific hints.
2024-11-13 9:48 AM
I have not done that. I was following the workshop by ST for the NUCLEO-STM32WBA55 and had assumed that every step would be given in the video. I will try but I do remember getting a voltage message earlier. I’ll try to reproduce it and post it. I currently have it connected using usb to type-c data cable, would I possibly need to adjust the jumpers for proper voltage?
2024-11-13 11:23 PM
I suggest to download the user manual UM2435 from here, and check yourself : https://www.st.com/en/evaluation-tools/p-nucleo-wb55.html#documentation
As said, I don't have this board myself.
But besides a comprehensive description of power supply option, the meaning of onboard LEDs is listed :
2024-11-14 12:55 AM
Hello @Jmad_247 and welcome to the ST Community.
I suggest you connect the board to the STM32CubeProgrammer. After that you can try to connect under reset.:
After that, you can perform a mass erase using this option:
Disconnect From the programmer and try to upload your FW throw your IDE. It should work.
Best Regards.
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2024-11-14 2:27 AM
Good morning and thanks for replying. I have tried what you’ve suggested and I will send pics of the results. I have downloaded the file that Ozone suggested earlier but that lead to the P-NUCLEO-WB55. Mine is the NUCLEO-WBA55CG. I’m not sure how similar or different each board is, as this is my first ST product but I figured I would respond before looking up the docs for my board. Are my jumpers in the correct configuration if you can see them in the pics? Should I change the frequency? I don’t know at this point but i will go over the docs but I also have to go back to work as my weekend is Tuesday and Wednesday not much time for trial and error. Any help is greatly appreciated!
2024-11-14 2:38 AM
Best Regards.
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2024-11-14 5:07 AM
Since the ST-Link is up and several LEDs are on, the board hardware seems fine.
A power/hardware failure of a discovery/nucleo board used to end up in a red or orange LED permanently on. Which is not the case here ...
I would check section 7.6 of the user manual, "Programing/debugging when the power supply is not from USB ST-LINK (5V_ST_link)". Especially in respect to the jumpers und solder bridges mentioned there.