2022-01-29 7:26 PM
I have thought to use FreeRTOS with the Bluetooth stack with STM32WB family MCU but it appears it is not possible by the STM32CubeMX if you want to build your custom service.
Then, I have to use the SEQUENCER but I have no idea how to use it..... Is there any literature or manual or application note which explains how to use it?
2022-02-06 8:36 AM
it is a start then I have to write the code and test it.
2023-01-04 2:02 PM
Sorry but I think ST should provide a more serious tutorial and examples than just this presentation. Even with this material it is very hard to understand how the sequencer works, eg how to use events, how it exits low power, etc. Please add a serious video to the e-learning catalog.
2023-01-24 5:04 AM
What is the role of sequencer in BLE implementation and why it is encouraged to use it, even it is not mandatory and is there any manual or video to get the complete knowledge about sequencer?