2023-04-05 7:46 PM
I am trying to follow the steps in parts 12b and 12c in the STM32WB Getting Started series, but I find that my device is not detected in the ST BLE ToolBox mobile app. I am currently using an STM32WB55 dev kit with an STM32WB55RGV6U microcontroller on it. Has anybody had this problem before and if so, is there a solution?
2023-04-06 3:24 AM
Hello @MKukl.1 and welcome to the Community :)
I advise you to follow this wiki page and check your setup and your hardware configuration.
Check also your BLE connection on the phone.
You can review the BLE_p2pServer example which is available in STM32CubeWB package.
Please have a look on these resources, that may help you on your project:
I hope this helps !
2023-04-24 5:36 AM
In you are using STM32CubeIDE, can you check your the linker file (see STM32CubeIDE/STM32WB55RGVX_FLASH.ld)?
If you have this:
.MB_MEM2 :
_sMB_MEM2 = . ;
*(.MB_MEM2) ;
_eMB_MEM2 = . ;
That's why you can't detect your device on ST BLE Toolbox. There is an extra dot in CubeIDE linker file: *(.MB_MEM2) ; instead of *(MB_MEM2) ;
Due to this, the buffers that need to be in SRAM2 are not placed there, so your application doesn't work. To fix it, you should remove this extra dot. It will be corrected in the next release.
Best Regards