2021-10-25 2:20 AM
Hi, I would like to ask how to remove bonded devices permanently on P-NUCLEO-WB55 eval kit and on dongle?
Right now I have a situation, that after reset, even if I used 'aci_gap_remove_bonded_device' in a previous session, I see still bonded devices. I used also 'aci_gap_clear_security_db', but it works only in a current session. If I restart the board the bonded devices are still there - 'aci_gap_get_bonded_devices' returns 'Num_of_Addresses > 0'.
In 'app_conf.h' I changed values of CFG_BLE_IRK and CFG_BLE_ERK to {0x00..0x00} or to {0xFF..0xFF} to enforce clear a non-volatile memory (clear LTK), but it didn't help too.
Could you help?
2023-03-06 9:33 AM
Hi Kristian,
I have the same problem. Did you manage to solve it?