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how to change max TX octets in BLE link layer TX packet?

Associate II

I am currently experimenting with the LL data length extension feature on STM32WB55.
I want to increase max TX length in link layer packet.

I would appreciate it if you could tell me how to increase max TX length.
(Looking at the current LL_LENGTH_RSP packet, Max. RX octets: 251 and Max TX octets: 27 are given.)

Associate III

Hello JLee,

Have you found a solution to this? We are bashing our heads on this issue too.


Explicitly setting hci_le_set_data_length to 251 will result in hci_le_data_length_change_event->MaxRxOctets = 27

Both sides support data length extension, we verified.


Can it be an issue on a master side? Tried multiple Android devices with exactly the same result.

