2022-06-07 7:29 AM
Hello everyone, I have recently started learning C language and I am kind of new into embedded systems. I am using NUCLEO WB15CC and trying to develop a system using VL53L1X with MPU6050 sensors. I am getting two sensor data successfully every time I write 0x101 to read/write characteristic. What I want to do now is, I want to start continuously measuring the acceleration data of X axis of the MPU6050 sensor until its value is between -990.0 and -1010.0 and if it is true I want to measure the distance over VL53L1X sensor. However, when I am debugging I receive -1 value over VL53L1X and I think its because MPU6050 is still using the I2C1 line. I have tried to put MPU6050 into sleep and wake it up back but it didn't work well. I am thinking that the way to solve this issue is by using scheduler or I2C event interrupt. I don't know which one is more practical. I am using P2PServer example provided by ST with STM32Cube_FW_WB_V1.13.0.
Here is my code snippets:
#if(P2P_SERVER1 != 0)
if(pNotification->DataTransfered.pPayload[0] == 0x01){ /* end device 1 selected - may be necessary as LB Routeur informs all connection */
if(pNotification->DataTransfered.pPayload[1] == 0x01){
//APP_DBG_MSG(" \n\r");
P2P_Server_App_Context.SensorControl.MPU6050AccelValueX = mpu6050_get_measurement();
if((P2P_Server_App_Context.SensorControl.MPU6050AccelValueX <= -990.0) && (P2P_Server_App_Context.SensorControl.MPU6050AccelValueX >= -1010.0)){
APP_DBG_MSG("-- The device is parallel to the ground\n");
APP_DBG_MSG(" \n\r");
P2PS_STM_App_Update_Char(P2P_READ1_CHAR_UUID, (uint8_t *)&P2P_Server_App_Context.SensorControl.MPU6050AccelValueX);
P2P_Server_App_Context.SensorControl.SensorHeightValue = vl53l1x_get_measurement();
P2PS_STM_App_Update_Char(P2P_READ_CHAR_UUID, (uint8_t *)&P2P_Server_App_Context.SensorControl.SensorHeightValue);
P2P_Server_App_Context.LedControl.Led1=0x01; /* LED1 ON */
//P2P_Server_App_Context.SensorControl.SensorHeightValue = vl53l1x_get_measurement();
//P2PS_STM_App_Update_Char(P2P_READ_CHAR_UUID, (uint8_t *)&P2P_Server_App_Context.SensorControl.SensorHeightValue);
//P2P_Server_App_Context.LedControl.Led1=0x01; /* LED1 ON */
if(pNotification->DataTransfered.pPayload[1] == 0x00)
//APP_DBG_MSG(" \n\r");
P2P_Server_App_Context.LedControl.Led1=0x00; /* LED1 OFF */
Here are the two functions which I use to return values:
int16_t vl53l1x_get_measurement(void){
uint8_t buff[50];
int16_t rangingResult = 0;
// polls on the device interrupt status until ranging data are ready.
VL53L1_WaitMeasurementDataReady( Dev );
VL53L1_GetRangingMeasurementData( Dev, &RangingData );
rangingResult = RangingData.RangeMilliMeter;
sprintf( (char*)buff, "%d, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f\n\r", RangingData.RangeStatus, RangingData.RangeMilliMeter / 10.0,
( RangingData.SignalRateRtnMegaCps / 65536.0 ), RangingData.AmbientRateRtnMegaCps / 65336.0 );
HAL_UART_Transmit( &huart1, buff, strlen( (char*)buff ), 0xFFFF );
VL53L1_ClearInterruptAndStartMeasurement( Dev );
return rangingResult;
float mpu6050_get_measurement(void){
//3. Get MPU6050 measurements.
float xAcceleration = 0;
xAcceleration = myAccelCalib.x;
return xAcceleration;
I would be really grateful if you could guide me which way is more efficient and how to do that. Thank you.
Best Regards
2022-06-07 9:31 AM
If the two sensors have different I2C address, they don't influence each other on the bus.
2022-06-07 9:55 AM
You will have to arbitrate/sequence usage of the peripheral as you can't have two threads using it concurrently, so watch that and interrupt/callback behaviour and interaction.
The I2C bus is designed to deal with multiple devices with different addresses, and a properly terminated/timed bus.
2022-06-07 10:17 AM
Thanks for your replies, both sensors have different I2C address. I put a breakpoint on while loop at line 8 at the first code snippet and I receive acceleration of X axis data until it gets into if statement. Then I step over until I receive data from vl53l1x_get_measurement() function and it returns -1 on live expressions tab in stm32cube IDE and returns 0xFFFF on read characteristic value. Then program hanged and I couldn't step over any more. Maybe one of the cables went off while I was turning the breadboard. There were no faults detected. I will observe more and try to solve this problem and then get back to you!
2022-06-08 12:35 AM
Okay, I figured out that the problem was because of the loose jumper wires and my while loop. The program actually works as intended inside the while loop but when I leave the bluetooth connection I am not able to connect back to the device because it is not advertising. It keeps receiving the sensor data but I am not able to connect back to read or write into any characteristic. How can I keep MPU6050 sensor active and taking measurements without blocking the device advertising? I am basically stuck inside the while loop and I can't even turn the led off by writing 0x100 to the write characteristic again.
#if(P2P_SERVER1 != 0)
if(pNotification->DataTransfered.pPayload[0] == 0x01){ /* end device 1 selected - may be necessary as LB Routeur informs all connection */
if(pNotification->DataTransfered.pPayload[1] == 0x01){
//APP_DBG_MSG(" \n\r");
P2P_Server_App_Context.LedControl.Led1=0x01; /* LED1 ON */
P2P_Server_App_Context.SensorControl.MPU6050AccelValueX = mpu6050_get_measurement();
P2PS_STM_App_Update_Char(P2P_READ1_CHAR_UUID, (uint8_t *)&P2P_Server_App_Context.SensorControl.MPU6050AccelValueX);
if((P2P_Server_App_Context.SensorControl.MPU6050AccelValueX <= 1010.0) && (P2P_Server_App_Context.SensorControl.MPU6050AccelValueX >= 990.0)){
APP_DBG_MSG("-- The device is parallel to the ground\n");
APP_DBG_MSG(" \n\r");
P2P_Server_App_Context.SensorControl.SensorHeightValue = vl53l1x_get_measurement();
P2PS_STM_App_Update_Char(P2P_READ_CHAR_UUID, (uint8_t *)&P2P_Server_App_Context.SensorControl.SensorHeightValue);
if(pNotification->DataTransfered.pPayload[1] == 0x00)
//APP_DBG_MSG(" \n\r");
P2P_Server_App_Context.LedControl.Led1=0x00; /* LED1 OFF */