2021-07-08 01:43 AM
As dragino lg02 is able to transmit the packets just in 1 frequency e.g. 868200000 would you please clarify the steps for prototyping wl55c-lorawan-endnode from the beginning to end with cubeIDE for the single channel GW ?
2021-07-16 04:42 AM
Has been answered in other same question. Thanks.
2021-07-16 05:15 AM
Cross-Linking so the answer can be found https://community.st.com/s/question/0D53W00000wxvvTSAQ/i-couldnt-activate-my-stm32wl55jc1-with-single-channel-gateway-draginolg02-via-abp-mode-lora-network-problem-is-how-to-configure-the-device-to-transmit-packets-in-just-1-channel