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FUS default version programmed in STM32WB5CG has been upgraded to 1.1.0?

Associate II

I got some STM32WB55CG samples from st office and the date code is 034. The read out FUS version is 1.1.0. Has the default firmware been upgraded? So the customer doesn't have to upgrade FUS anymore?

D:\Program Files\STMicroelectronics\stm32cube\STM32CubeProgrammer\bin>STM32_Programmer_CLI.exe -c port=SWD mode=HOTPLUG -r32 0x20030030 4 -r32 0x20030024 50


                      STM32CubeProgrammer v2.5.0


ST-LINK SN : 32FF6C063047463341421351


Board      : --

Voltage    : 3.23V

SWD freq   : 4000 KHz

Connect mode: Hot Plug

Reset mode : Software reset

Device ID  : 0x495

Revision ID : Rev Y

Device name : STM32WBxx

Flash size : 1 MBytes

Device type : MCU

Device CPU : Cortex-M0+/M4

Reading 32-bit memory content

 Size         : 4 Bytes

 Address:     : 0x20030030

0x20030030 : 01010100

Reading 32-bit memory content

 Size         : 52 Bytes

 Address:     : 0x20030024

0x20030024 : A94656B9 00000001 01010000 01010100

0x20030034 : 00000006 00000000 00000000 00000000

0x20030044 : 00000000 00000000 00658473 0080E126

0x20030054 : 00000496

Parmin Nayani
Associate III

Missed to post FUS readings. Here they are

Thank you very much. Will do and update.

Best regards

One question, what is mass erase? Select all sectors? Please advice. Thanks.

Erase flash memory tab from the screen? Thank you.

ST Employee

​Yes! You can either select the sectors up to F6 not included or select a full chip erase. This will generate an error but it is in fact a warning indicating that not all sectors have been erased. but it is ok.

Yes sir. Got it. Thank you. Will follow your earlier post and update. Regards.



In STM32CubeIDE; can you remind us how and where to verify we are running the latest CubeWB FW package please. You mentioned that FW package v1.9 is out and I did not know that, neither wouldn't be able to tell if STM32CubeIDE is using the latest APIs from 1.9.

What is the ST guidance on remaining updated with the STM32WB? or is this something that is carried out automatically via background downloads from/by STM32CubeIDE?


Getting address error. Please see screenshot.

Same error for other addresses also, 0x0803e000 and 0x0807e000.

ok, I get it, I think. 1.9 released on the Github repo, however not yet supported within STM32CubeIDE. Is this correct?

ps. just found out how to manually check for package updates. Spoiled by the automatic updates of CubeIDE, I got lazy in checking I'm guessing ;)
