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FreeRTOS osThreadFlagsWait can return osErrorTimeout early

Associate II

I have come across an issue which I believe is a bug in the implementation of the osThreadFlagsWait function.


A thread is waiting on a flag (e.g. 0x2u) for a timeout above 0, before this timeout should occur, there are multiple other flags set on the thread (e.g. 0x1u) using osThreadFlagsSet, this results in the osThreadFlagsWait function returning with a value of osErrorTimeout sooner than the set timeout.


The xTaskNotifyWait function which is called by osThreadFlagsWait returns each time the 0x1u flag is set, resulting in this section of code being run:


Note that t0 is set to the return value of xTaskGetTickCount() at the start of the wait loop, so is the start time, tout is a timeout value passed to xTaskNotifyWait, which is originally the set timeout, but is adjusted each time the xTaskNotifyWait function returns.

The issue with the code above is that the value of td is the total time that the thread has been waiting, this is subtracting from tout each time a flag is set that is not waited on e.g.

for a set timeout of 100, if the flag that is not waited on happens every 10 ticks, the value of td and tout will be as follows for each time xTaskNotifyWait returns:

  1. td = 10 therefore tout = (100 - 10) = 90
  2. td = 20 therefore tout = (90 - 20) = 70
  3. td = 30 therefore tout = (70 - 30) = 40
  4. td = 40 therefore tout = (40 - 40) = 0 // timeout is detected on the next call to xTaskNotifyWait

This gives a timeout of 40 ticks in this case instead of the desired 100.

Suggested Fix

To fix this issue, I would suggest removing the cumulative subtraction from tout, instead replacing it with a subtraction of td from the set timeout e.g.




The code on GitHub already has this change.

stm32-mw-freertos/Source/CMSIS_RTOS_V2/cmsis_os2.c at e41c220a37adbb55b59dca704def6e73d6258b95 · STMicroelectronics/stm32-mw-freertos


What exact chip and library are you using? Are you using the latest version?


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I am using an STM32WB55, using the FREERTOS middleware from STM32CubeIDEs Pinout & configuration tool with repository version STM32Cube_FW_WB_V1.21.0 which I believe is the latest.

Hello @Graham1 @TDK 

Thank you so much for bringing this on the ST Community. I will escalate it for update on the future.

Best Regards.


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