2020-08-14 3:30 PM
I have a project using the STM32_WB55 where I use CubeMX to setup a custom BLE template, services, characteristics, etc. I noticed that STM32Cube_FW_WB_V1.8.0 supports both BLE and FREERTOS, but when I enable FREERTOS, all my custom BLE settings are deleted. Additionally, many of the configuration tabs appear to be missing. I see there is an option to setup the heart rate sensor, but adapting this to match my initial custom BLE configuration seems to be a lot of effort compared to generating a custom template. Is there a way to use my custom template with FREERTOS in CubeMX? If not, is this something that will be supported in a future version?
2020-08-17 2:32 AM
In fact only the Hearth Rate profile is supported with FreeRTOS in CubeMX. Hence the strange artefact you got with your BLE settings.
2020-08-17 8:54 AM
Will support for custom BLE templates with FreeRTOS be added in a future release of CubeMX?