2019-09-26 12:43 AM
The original version of STM32WB Ble stack is, Other releases include 1.0.0, 1.1.0, 1.1.1, 1.2.0. What are the differences between these versions? Can you provide detailed documentation?
In addition, I'm going to buy some STM32WB . Are these chips manufactured with Ble stacks installed?
2019-09-26 1:00 AM
The most recent version of the STM32CubeWB FW Package V1.3.0 has been officially released last week and available for download st.com. Please have a look at the releases notes to see the differences with the previous versions.
There is no BLE stack on the chip you would buy from the distributor. Only the Firmware Upgrade Service (FUS) is installed. This service helps install one of the encrypted wireless stacks available in the FW package in a secure way.
Note that if you buy a STM32WB55 Nucleo pack, the 2 boards (Nucleo and dongle) both have a pre-installed BLE stack.
2019-09-26 2:22 AM
Are you sure about V1.3.0 being released? It's not available for download in any software, and I can't find it anywhere on the site.
2019-09-26 5:18 AM
You're right. V1.3.0 has been released internally and will only be available week41 when the new version of CubeMX is realeased too.
Sorry about the confusion.
2019-09-27 12:17 AM
Dongle has been upgraded to 1.2.0 according to the release notes.
But Nucleo made a mistake. An unrecognized USB device (STEP2) appeared after entering DFU. But dongle had no such problem.
Could you help me analyze the reasons?
2019-09-27 5:00 AM
I assume the jumpers are correctly set on the Nucleo board: BOOT0 pin HIGH: CN7-5 to CN7-7 and Power Jumper JP2 to 5-6.
2019-10-09 12:36 PM
Is there any more information on when 1.3.0 will be released? Also, will 1.3.0 include a way to upload the FUS and BLE stack through the JTAG/SWD port?
2019-10-09 3:28 PM
Main Changes in this STM32CubeWB Firmware Package V1.3.0: Introduction of ZIGBEE support
STM32WB ecosystem keeps growing, now with the introduction of ZigBee protocol support as certified compliant platform, running on certified 802.15.4 2015 LLD MAC and PHY.
2019-10-14 1:32 AM
We have CW 42 and I still can't find the V1.3.0 on the STM website. I really would like to have the flash erase during RF activity support and a released FUS Operator.
2019-10-14 8:30 AM
CubeWB FW V1.3.0 will be on the ST site Wednesday morning together with the new version of Cube V1.2.0.