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Data strcuture for reboot characteristic in STM32Wb55 OTA

Associate II

Hello, I uploaded BLE_OTA firmware in 0x08000000 and BLE_heartrate_ota in 0x08007000 and I want to update the new firmware through OTA, I don't know the data structure to write in reboot characteristic, anyone help me

Also for base address, raw data and finished.

Lead II

Hello @Sheik_Abdullah_P 

This wiki and the AN5247 can help you in your application.

Hope this is helpful. If your question is answered please check this answers as best answer to be diffused.

Best regards.


Associate II

Hello @Issamos ,

I've already go through all docs and links,  not able to get an answer, I need the data format/structure that is sent from the client to the MCU for a reboot, will you help me

The application note mentioned previously give a complete description to the operation step by step. 

Best regards.


Associate II

here I'm not using ST BLE app I'm using my own app

In this case, I suggest you to try to adapt the steps used with ST BLE  & STM32CubeMonitor-RF to your own application. 


Associate III

Doesn't work for me too in custom project!
I've added ota reboot char, set that define flag to 1, but then even if I attempt to send 0x01 or 0x00 to reboot char there's no reaction. Does it require additional code? That's a pity STM doesn't provide a simple custom project examples with OTA. 


I've successfully uploaded the BLE_OTA firmware at memory address 0x08000000 and the BLE_heartrate_ota at 0x08007000. Now, my challenge lies in understanding how to structure the data to write into the reboot characteristic for initiating an OTA firmware update. The specific data format and content for this characteristic remain a bit unclear to me.

Associate III

Did you find documentation on this? The only really helpful information regarding OTA I found is this youtube video:

and the FUOTA documentation for the WBA platform: