2022-04-07 5:32 AM
I'm trying to set up my WB55 USB Dongle to act as an iBeacon device. Following documentation on how to use USB dongle I flashed TransparentmodeVCP binary file on my board and have successfully connected to it with Cube-RF software.
I set up beacon mode to use iBeacon protocol following Cube-RF documentation, and I've generated random UUID for my case but I can't find my beacon in any BLE or iBeacon discovering apps on my iPhone.
Is this even the right or possible way to do it or do I have to create specific project for my case following STM32WB55 iBeacon example?
Thanks in advance!
2022-04-21 2:48 AM
The best way to advertise iBeacon with WB55 USB Dongle is to port BLE_Beacon example of P-NUCLEO-WB55.Nucleo on P-NUCLEO-WB55.USBDongle.
Best Regards