2020-07-16 10:27 AM
Apologies if this has already been answered elsewhere, I had a search and all I could find was an old discussion about TrueStudio not doing it and it didn't really go anywhere.
Simple question, is there a way to setup the option bytes (BOOT0,1, etc.) within STM32CubeIDE? I know it can be done in the CubeProgrammer and ST-Link, etc. but since you can program the chip from the IDE, it seems a sensible place to set the options.
If it affects the answer, I am using the STM32WB55 on my own board.
2020-07-16 10:30 AM
Hmmm, I could have sworn I posted this in the STM32CubeIDE community, but I must have messed up. Can it be moved over?
2020-07-17 5:49 AM
According my knowledge only STM32CubeProgrammer is allowing you option bytes setup.
I agree would be nice to get it live within STM32CubeIDE ! @STM32Cube any plan about ?
2020-07-17 12:57 PM
I am not aware of any way to set the option bytes with CubeIDE. As far as I know, only CubeProgrammer is meant for that.
I agree that as you can use CubeIDE to compile and debug, the possibility to set up the option bytes is not out of sense.
Will submit it to the development team but do not expect something very soon... (if it is agreed).
2020-07-17 2:10 PM
When using ST-Link via OpenOCD, it is possible to specify a user defined configuration script for OpenOCD. Although there is no menu driven approach for adding option byte programming, it shouldn't be very difficult to insert the commands for option byte programming there.
At least for F1, F2, F4, F7 and L4 (+) option byte programming functionality is already included in OpenOCD. Regarding WB I'm not sure, but the lastest L4(+) driver covers WB, too, so it should be possible as well. Even if not, it's fairly simple to do this in a script with simple memory write commands.
2020-07-20 8:56 AM
Thanks all for the clear answers! I am ok using STM32CubeProgrammer for the time being, I was just curious whether I had missed something. Thinking about it, a feature request page or forum would be quite useful for CubeIDE (or all of the tools!) as I had thought of a couple of other things I thought would be useful. I can't remember them now though!
2020-07-20 1:32 PM
Even though this request page does not exist, it should not stop you to make any proposal for features you would see interesting to have in our development tools.
your user experience is key for us.
2020-07-30 3:46 AM
An idea zone is available for the community to propose additional features that can improve the user experience.
Just log your proposal there: https://community.st.com/s/ideazone