2023-04-25 04:26 AM
I have a BLE application which runs on custom server profile. There are few characteristics of a given service, where the client can modify them. I need clarifications for the below questions.
2023-04-26 04:57 AM
Can you guys please help me out with this??
2023-04-26 06:43 AM
You can refer to AN5270 which describes all the commands and the events available.
• Write without response
• Signed write without response
• Write characteristic value
• Write long characteristic value - reliable write
Best Regards
2023-04-26 11:29 PM
Based on your inputs, I looked out for the HCI_LE_CONNECTION_COMPLETE_SUBEVT_CODE event. This event is handled in the 'SVCCTL_App_Notification' function. I had a break-point here, when the connection was made, this break-point was not hit.
Also, similar thing happened with the attribute modified value event which is handled in 'Custom_STM_Event_Handler' . The break-points I had did not hit.
The application is running on FreeRTOS. The shci_user_evt_proc(); is not called getting called after the BLE Init
2023-04-27 01:20 AM
Can you describe what you want to do? Which board are you using? Is it in front of a smartphone or another board? And can you describe your use case?
Best Regards
2023-04-27 02:20 AM
Hey @Remy ISSALYS ,
2023-04-28 09:50 AM
Try to remove the optimization in your project, you should receive the HCI_LE_CONNECTION_COMPLETE_SUBEVT_CODE event when the connection occurred unless you are using privacy or extended advertising, in the case you will receive the HCI_LE_ENHANCED_CONNECTION_COMPLETE_EVENT event.
Best Regards
2023-05-01 11:21 PM
Hey @Remy ISSALYS,
The optimization levels are set to None(-O0). And I'm not using the privacy/extended advertising.
2023-05-02 11:05 PM
Hello, the issue got resolved btw. This was due to not allocating enough heap memory in the IOC.
Can you suggest the minimum required heap for the BLE applications?
2023-05-04 09:13 AM