2020-02-10 6:53 AM
Can we, now, generate a STM32L4R9AI project with STM32CubIde including TouchGFX Middelware ?
X-CUBE-TOUCHEGFX v4.13.0 offer this possibility or not yet ?
Solved! Go to Solution.
2020-02-17 4:23 AM
The porting of the STM32L4R9 Discovery Board is currently being done. Hopefully, this will be finished by the end of this week.
I will write another comment to inform you.
2020-02-12 5:10 AM
I am also interested in an estimate of when the update for the STM32L4R9 Discovery Board will come. There is a rough schedule?
My problem is, that i have a custom board with the Display and Touch Controller of the STM32L4R9. I implemented the Display by myself, but i think it is not 100% correct.
2020-02-17 4:23 AM
The porting of the STM32L4R9 Discovery Board is currently being done. Hopefully, this will be finished by the end of this week.
I will write another comment to inform you.
2020-02-25 4:42 AM
The STM32L4R9 Discovery Board is now available through TouchGFX Designer.
2020-03-03 6:04 AM
hello Alexandre,
Thank's for your feedback.
I tried to to modify the .ioc generated for STM32L4R9I_EVAL board to change LTDC interface from DSI to RGB. Unfortunately, the project no longer compile !
In attached you find my project.
is it possible to perform interface change through ioc ?
Tank's for your help.
2020-03-04 7:39 AM
What are your compiling errors ? Do you confirm using CubeIDE ?
Normally, it should be possible to perform interface change using CubeMX, but you might also need to change some user code section in the project to make it work. Some code has been added for the DSI and GFXMMU to work correctly.
2020-03-04 8:11 AM
Yes I confirm using CubeIDE.
I think this error is related to DSI, but I do not understand why, because I disabled the DSI interface ...
Here is a snapshot of the compilation log:
16:56:06 **** Incremental Build of configuration Debug for project STM32L4R9I_EVAL ****
make -j8 all
arm-none-eabi-g++ -o "STM32L4R9I_EVAL.elf" @"objects.list" -l:libtouchgfx-float-abi-hard.a -mcpu=cortex-m4 -T"C:\TouchGFXProjects\MyApplication_27\STM32CubeIDE\STM32L4R9AIIX_FLASH.ld" --specs=nosys.specs -Wl,-Map="STM32L4R9I_EVAL.map" -Wl,--gc-sections -static -L"C:/Dev/STM32L4R9I_EVAL/stm32l4r9i_eval/STM32L4R9I_EVAL/Middlewares/ST/touchgfx/lib/core/cortex_m4f/gcc" -L"C:/TouchGFXProjects/MyApplication_27/Middlewares/ST/touchgfx/lib/core/cortex_m4f/gcc" --specs=nano.specs -mfpu=fpv4-sp-d16 -mfloat-abi=hard -mthumb -Wl,--start-group -lc -lm -lstdc++ -lsupc++ -Wl,--end-group
Application/User/TouchGFX/target/TouchGFXHAL.o: In function `LCD_ReqTear':
C:/TouchGFXProjects/MyApplication_27/TouchGFX/target/TouchGFXHAL.cpp:45: undefined reference to `HAL_DSI_LongWrite'
C:/TouchGFXProjects/MyApplication_27/TouchGFX/target/TouchGFXHAL.cpp:47: undefined reference to `HAL_DSI_ShortWrite'
C:/TouchGFXProjects/MyApplication_27/TouchGFX/target/TouchGFXHAL.cpp:48: undefined reference to `hdsi'
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [makefile:68: STM32L4R9I_EVAL.elf] Error 1
"make -j8 all" terminated with exit code 2. Build might be incomplete.
16:56:08 Build Failed. 4 errors, 0 warnings. (took 1s.805ms)
Waiting for your help.
2020-03-05 1:51 AM
As you can in the log, HAL_DSI_LongWrite cannot be called and the struct hdsi is now undefined as you removed DSI in CubeMX.
Note that TouchGFXHAL.cpp is a programmer file meaning CubeMX does not modify it. So you have to change this file to match your new screen configuration (LTDC-RGB).
You can refer to the STM32F746G Disco application template to remove the correct parts as it uses LTDC-RGB without DSI.
2020-04-07 12:09 AM
Now, I can build a project using using CubeIDE + X-CUBE-TOUCHEGFX but the problem : Nothing is displayed on the screen
can you please give me som ways ton investigate ?
2020-04-07 3:38 AM
When you say nothing is displayed, you mean black screen ? Do you see if the Tearing Effect callback is triggered ?
Make sure your pins are correctly set, your Flash and RAM is working correctly and that your display interface is well configured.
There's a new documentation available online maybe https://support.touchgfx.com/docs/development/touchgfx-hal-development/scenarios/scenarios-ltdc-parallel-rgb can help.