2019-07-22 9:47 AM
I am relatively new to this so I may be missing something. But I just recently downloaded the TouchGfxDesigner and discovered that it does not export projects which can be used in TrueStudio (our preferred tool for development). When I tried importing the projects I always ran into some issue which broke the build.
I would be much happier if the tool exported the project for TrueStudio which could be built without having to jiggle the code to get it to build. STM32CubeMX exports projects which can be loaded in TrueStudio and I have been using this combination to develop for some of the lower-end STM32 systems (STM32f4xx) but now am trying to get TouchGfx running on STM32f746 & STM32f796.
If anyone reading this has any good suggestions about how to move forward with TrueStudio I would appreciate your support. We are evaluating the other major commercial IDE's (IAR and Keil MDK-ARM) but have not committed to either.
Thank you,
Michael Uman
Sr. Software Engineer
2019-07-22 10:59 PM
2019-07-22 11:36 PM
Hi @Michael Uman,
If you are considering a switch of IDE, then CubeIDE which is tailored specific for STM32 MCUs could be of interest to you, which is TrueStudio and CubeMX merged into a single tool.
We have a thread here on the forum describing how to get TouchGFX running on the STM32F746G-DISCO using CubeIDE and using TouchGFX for graphics
If you want to start from the designer and select the STM32F746G-DISCO Application Template, you will find a .ioc file, if you open that file in CubeMX you will be able to switch the IDE from IAR8 to e.g. MDK-ARM or CubeIDE.
2019-07-24 9:21 AM
Luckily I know what NRND means... For those who don't, it's an acronym for "Not Recommended for New Development".
So moving forward, what is the communities feeling concerning the recommended free tool 'STM32CubeIDE' ?
Thank you,
Michael Uman
2019-07-24 9:23 AM
Hey Anders,
Thank you for the prompt reply. I will try out what you suggested this weekend when I am doing my evaluation of the development tools.
I have been working with STM32CubeIDE for the last couple of weeks and find it very useful so-far. There are some areas which are still a bit confusing as a relative newbie, but I am quickly becoming accustomed to the tools.
Thank you,
Michael Uman