2020-11-18 1:12 AM
I used the SMT32F429i-DISC1 and TouchGFX follow the user guide
coding, why the touch point and the displayed position are exactly opposite?
For example, if my button is on the far left, I have to press the far right position of panel to respond?
2020-11-18 4:10 AM
I'm not 100% clear on how you created the project. If you're using the application template from the designer then you shouldn't be having those issues.
Is this a brand new board? There have been cases where touch ics have been replaced on newer models (causing weird behavior).
2020-11-18 4:21 AM
Did you start your project from TouchGFX Designer by using the Application Template for the STM32F429I discovery board? This will generate a project with all the necessary configuration.
By user guide did you mean the online TouchGFX documentation? I believe you might have inverted some position settings within CubeMX at some point.
Could you share your project by any chance ?
2020-11-18 6:06 PM
I made it into a video, it might be easier for you to understand
Leo Liao
Thanks & Best Regards
2020-11-18 9:27 PM
Yes, This is a new board , When I got it, its function was correct, after I download the demo code from web it started work abnormal. I am guessing it may be a problem with Touch IC. but I don't know what touch chips it used.
2020-11-18 10:16 PM
I tried to modify the BSP_TS_GetState() for Touch calibration, it seems works normal, but I am not sure is it make sense.
Thanks & Best Regards
Leo Liao
2020-11-19 1:14 AM
That does look weird, and especially because the issue is also there using the ST out-of-the-box demo for the disc1.
I will see if we have a very new 429-disc1 board at the office
2021-08-05 9:12 PM
Hello, I got the exact same issue with a new 429-disc1 board. Touch was working correct when the board arrived. After upload from TouchGFXdesigner the screen touch was verticaly mirrored. Example, when a button was at the top of the display I had to press at the bottom to selct this button. It shows also the same behavior when I upload the binary file form STM.com page with the original program.
Is there any solution? How to calibrate the touch positions at program start?
2021-08-08 8:57 PM
To LLiao,
hello, how did you modify the BSP_TS_GetState() ?
Did it finaly solve your problem?
regards Oliver
2021-08-10 12:31 PM
I investigated quite deep into this issue and my case is still open at ST.
For now I also modified the code in BSP_TS_GetState.
Modification y = 320 - y;
I subtract the y coordinate from pixelheight to invert y.
Now it works...