2020-05-07 01:57 PM
I'm trying TouchGFX on a STM32H7B3I-DK board and managed to have it running with RGB565 pixel format. The first screen has an image has background and one image, one text area and one button on it. If the background image is specified with the default RGB565 format everything is fine but if I make it L8_RGB565 the drawing engine hangs and never return from backPorchExited() in TouchGFXHAL::taskEntry() function.
When using default RGB565 for background image I may change the image with a SetBitmap using an L8_RGB565, I may also switch to a second screen that has a L8 background image, so the problem is limited to the setup of the first screen.
Has someone encountered the same problem, or did I forget some initialisation of CLUT or ...
2020-05-14 12:00 AM
Hi Pierre,
Just wanted to let you know that i have your project and have done a quick test. TouchGFX is not even started (for me) when your project hard faults (at MX_DMA2D_Init). Will try to investigate.
2020-05-14 12:32 AM
2020-05-14 12:34 AM
I can verify that there's an issue if you don't change voltage scaling. This is seriously strange. Are you using a new board? My old one at the office works fine, but this new board i just unpacked from the plastic doesn't - Even with powerscaling the colors are not correct for e.g. RGGB888.
I'm going to do some more digging on this today. ST sometimes changes components and we have to be on the ball.
2020-05-14 03:21 AM
2020-05-15 02:06 AM